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How to deal with a fop stealing your favourite notepad, a guide by Ema Skye

Dear register notepad:

Today's afternoon was a really stressful one at school... all thanks to that stupid and glimmerous fop who couldn't get his hands off my favourite notepad.

It started as a day like every other, just me, attending the chemistry class, aka my favourite. I just love science so much... I could talk about it for ages, but I won't do that right now. I am going to talk about the stupid thing that happened this afternoon. 

The class had had finished, and I was pulling all my stuff inside my messenger's bag. I rushed up to the library since I couldn't stay inside that classroom for a long time. 

First, because if I got caught hanging in there, the teacher would make me go outside as soon as he saw me there, and he can be quite frightening when he wants to. 

Second, because I actually don't have anything to do right there, I'd rather spend my free time in the library. 

And last, but not least, I'd had to deal with the student who stays inside the classroom, that stupid Klavier Gavin guy. That boy is just... just... UGH. The biggest dandy and proud fop I could ever think of. I can't even express how much I can't stand him. I don't even know why he is still in high school! He got his prosecutor badge this same year, and he goes to the same classes as me too, even if he is a year younger than me! From what it looks like, I think he only stays because he likes bragging around the high school girls. Besides being a gifted prosecutor and student, he is even the leader vocalist in a popular rock band called "The Gavinners"... That's so original coming from you, Mr. Fop.

Disclaimer: I just know this stuff since I have to stand EVERY SINGLE GIRL talking about this annoying fop. Besides, that guy seems to have something against me. There is no day he doesn't irritate me with his stupid behaviour. I don't want to give examples since I'm already hung up with what happened today.

Let's go back to the break. I just wanted to go outside and walk to the library to return some books I had taken from there, about forensic science. I spent last night writing down a summary about its most important parts in my notebook, and I was about to do the same with the book the librarian gave me... 

...but I couldn't. The stupid me had forgotten the notebook somewhere. I was in a rush to get out from the classroom as soon as I could, but I didn't bother to check if I took everything. Thinking about it for a while I decided to go back to the classroom. The worst thing that could happen was being caught by the teacher, right? 

Wrong. So wrong. I have never been more wrong until now. Well, maybe when I said oxoacids were only made with oxygen. But that's not the point.

I rushed downstairs to my classroom, and I opened the door. Luckily there was no one inside... excepting for one person. One. Annoying. Person. There.

"Fräulien, did you forget something?" he said, in his stupid German accent. As soon as I saw him, irritation started to flow out of my face. Klavier Gavin was sitting ON my desk, with my favourite notebook in his foppy hand. He wasn't even wearing the uniform! I stood in shock for a few seconds.

"Give me back my notebook, you... you... glimmerous fop!" I yelled.

"Glimmerous fop?" he asked, trying to make a charming smile. He looked like those cheap sitcom actors who are so popular on TV. "Such a creative insult, my dear Fräulien"

The tone on his voice was so tiresome. I was sick of listening to him calling me by sweet names just because.

"Whatever, give me my investigations notebook back! I need it!"

How to deal with a fop when he steals your notepad (Klavier x Ema)Where stories live. Discover now