Sally & Charlie

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I had always had a strange feeling around children, one that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, and made my skin crawl. Sinister, The Omen, Poltergeist, Children of The Corn, Finders Keepers, Insidious, The Exorcist. You name it, I've probably watched it.

Now you are probably why I'm mentioning something like this. To some it may be obvious, to others it may be completely oblivious.The way that they evilly giggle with that innocent and helpless posture, those creepy drawings that they draw like in the movies with random people or faces scrawled out in red.

Let us get on with the story.

It was close to the end of November in the small tourist like town of Gatlin, Tennessee, on a Thursday evening. The night was a thick foggy one, making it hard to see barely a few feet in front of you, and it kind of made me paranoid. Like something was going to jump onto the out of the fog and onto the window of my comfortable 2009 Forester Silver Subaru that I had gotten from my sister.

I gave a soft yawn as I closed my weary eyes, listening to the soft sound of Kid Rock and Sheryl Crow sing their duet, 'Picture', softly coming from the radio. It was a song that I constantly listened to from my way home from work, the song seeming to calm me down from the stress and tension.

While mumbling the song lyrics I looked around me as I drove, seeing the thick fog surround me and the car, so I had to lean towards the window to see if I was on the right side of the road. It was hard to see even a few feet in front of my car, even with the headlights on!

I continued to look around as my radio started to act up, making me lean back at my seat and glance at my radio, listening to the faint static and mixture of people singing, talking about news and sports, then to things that I can't even began to deeply explain!

They were demonic and insane, also lacing with blood thirst and full of evilness. There was so many, so many of them! All of them speaking about a name, some sounding clear while others sounded scratchy and animalistic. I bit lip as I continued to listen to them as I started to shake, knowing that my radio never messed up like this!

I then, softly and quietly, spoke the name they were all saying as I stared down at my radio.


What happened next, I could never understand myself in my entire life.

I heard a loud thud against my hood as I immediately looked up to my window, seeing a ruffle of pink going up the window, a small bear being dragged along with it, blood splattered onto my window. I gave a loud yelp as I slammed my foot onto my brake pedal, feeling the tires screech as the car lurched forward, makin me fling forward as the car spun a few times.

Once the car stopped and the smell of burnt tires was obvious, I took deep breaths a million thoughts raced through my head, making me unbuckle my seatbelt and grab my flashlight from the glovebox.

'What was that that I hit?'

'W-why did this happen to me?!?'

'Pink ruffles! A teddy bear! Did I kill a little girl?!?'

'Jesus Christ.. I'm in for it now.'

I shakily opened the driver side door as I felt the flashlight, squeezing my thumb until I heard a small 'click', and then moved my flashlight around. Then with shaky small steps and breaths, I slowly followed the small blood trail that had dripped from my car.

'M-maybe I was hallucinating..? How the hell could I be hallucinating about me hitting someone?!'

I ran a hand through my hair as I continued to follow the trail, the ache in my chest and head growing as I listened to the crickets chirp off into the woods, frantically looking around until I came to a stop, giving a gagging sound as I held the flashlight down to the object with an arm over my mouth.

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