flower girls

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Selena pov

I told michael about the flower girls dresses being blue so the groomsmens ties are blue. This time it was only me that will be with the flower girls. I needed to spend some time with my neices and my future neices. My future neices already called me aunt selena. I decided to be a fun aunt and take them to chuck E. Cheeses after that went to the wedding shop. I chose out a dress i liked a white dress with a blue flower in th middle (pretend it's blue Lol) It was easy to find dresses for them because they liked everything. We rode in two cars I drove one and Michaels driver drove the other since he has so much nieces. All of my nieces and future nieces get along great. After that we went for a treat and had ice cream. My nieces call michael and his brothers "uncle".
Michaels nieces call my sisters "aunt". So I guess our families get along great. Jermaine loves my niece Mckenzie.

I was worried about our families fighting but they get along great.

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