chapter 18: outburst

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Today is the day where len and I are going to pick our engagement outfit. We go to the store after school,we didn't talk much after what happen last night but I find it weird for I can't find ayato anywhere at the school.I have already ask his friend but none of them know where he is. I miss him already and this have gone for three days straight . I wonder where he is.

We arrive at the store,I feel very amuse for it look so fabulous. I never thought that a wedding dress store could be this amazing. The store is painted white colour with the vintage design and it have a wedding dress display that we can see through the mirror.
We enter the store and is greet by what is assume is the owner.

Len tell her that we are here to pick a few dress for our engagement. I am looking at the collection when len call for me. The owner have pick a few dress for me to try.
I quickly change into the dress and come out after and see what len thought would be.
I try all the dress that have been pick but nothing really suit me.

The owner pick again and this time it suit me well. The dress is short in white colour with flower pattern laces all the way down my leg.
The top is decorated with rose flower and a big one too. This suit me perfectly,I can see len gasp I awe. I would like ayato to see me in this dress,the one I love not the one that I'm force to engage with.

Yui,you look stunningly beautiful.Len say
I just smile at him from the mirror,I can see him getting closer to me. The next thing that he did is hugging me from the back..
Len,it's public.
Yui, I can't wait until you'll be mine.he say
I blush at the statement,what's wrong with me I should not blush like that because the one that should say the words to me is ayato.

After the dress shopping,we go home immediately for we still have a few thing to prepare before the engagement.
There's no one home so I quickly change and go to ayato mansion.
I want to meet him so badly and tell him everything. There's still two more days before the engagement. I realize that I have already arrive at his mansion. Luckily the gate isn't lock like the last time I come here. I slowly enter the mansion,judging from it the mansion is really quite. It's a great opportunity to sneak into ayato room quickly and just meet him.

I arrive in front of ayato room,I turn the door knob and look around. He's not in his room,I just enter and look around until I find one photo on his study table. It's the photo of me and him when we were young. Suddenly, I hear the door open and quickly turn around to see ayato shock expression.
Aya.. I call for him but fail to finish it for ayato take my wrist and pinned me on the wall making my back hurt. Ouch..ayato it hurt I sat with greeted teeth.

What are you doing here yui? Ask ayato
I want to see you ayato,there's something that I want to tell you. I say
You don't have to come here,yui. This is no place for you to come and go as you like. His reply shock me wide eye.
Ayato,what's has gotten into you? I ask
Yui,just leave. I didn't want to see you. He say

Then he let go of my wrist.
Ayato..I say with soft tone
Yui,just leave and don't make me repeat myself. He says with high tone
What's wrong with you ayato?I come all the way here to see you because I miss you. I don't see you at school. We barely even spend our time together anymore. It's been like this for almost three days ayato. I say to ayato with tears already blurring my vision.
That's all ayato,if you really want me to leave this place badly then I'll do as you tell also my engagement is this Sunday. That's all I have to tell you.

Yui p.o.v
With that I walk by past him.
I regret my decision which come here to see him only to get that mad expression of him.

Ayato p.o.v
I froze as I already hear yui reason for coming here. What have I done,what did I just do to her? Why does I only make her cry just like the last time. Also,if I hear her right
Is she really going to be engage this Sunday.
If it's true then what do I do? I fall down on my knee crying while mumbling I'm sorry yui.

I arrive at home safely only to find len,mother and father in the living room looking worried.
Yui,where have you been? Mother ask and is follow by father.
I'm going out for a bit to tmake some fresh air,why? I reply them with a question.
We are so worried about you and we thought that you've gone missing or anything.We are so glad that you are not.mother say again

By the way,why is len here?I ask
We call for him asking him whether you're with him or not and when he say no,he quickly come here to check.
Oh..Sorry for the trouble mom and dad,and so is len I'm sorry. I apologize
So,len I think you should be going home now that I think I'm already here.I'll send you out. I say. Then mother and father will go to sleep. father say.

I walk len until our home gate when suddenly he break the silence.
You're crying aren't you you?Ask len
W..What no,of course not.What make you think so? I ask
You're tone is different and just now you shutter. Tell me what's wrong yui? He reply with authority in his voice. It's nothing really len.I manage to say in spite that I control my voice.

Fine,if you don't want to tell me then feel free to tell me when your ready. He say then ask me to come near him. He hug me.
Whatever the problem is even if you don't want to tell me I'll always comfort you with this hug yui. Len say. My tears fall freely on it's own,this is also the first time that I cry in len embrace.

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