Oh Yeah You So Love Me, When Pigs Fly!! {Justin Bieber Story}

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"Honey stop frowning! Your going to love Atlanta! The house is so beautiful and the neighbors are great." my mother said from the drivers seat.

" What ever you say mom." i say reading my book, not really listening to her.

"Can you at least just give it a try for me? I would really appreciate it." she said glancing at me.

" OK what ever helps you sleep at night." i say sighing heavily.

Well you all must be really confused at this moment right? Well I'm Genie, yes as in the grant you three wishes thing. Well that whole conversation up there ^ is because me and my mother are moving. My father isn't here at the moment because hes already at the 'beautiful house' in Atlanta. or as my mother said, I haven't even seen the dang house.

At this moment I'm in the car with my mother reading and listening to the radio. The ride is so long from Boston. I just wish this ride was alomost over.

"We're almost there honey." my mother says scaring me with her mother insticts. She always creeped me out by doing that.

"Fianally." i mutter to my self.


I must have fallen asleep because next thing I know my father is shaking me awake. I look up into his teal eyes and smile. I haven't seen him in over a month because of the renovations to the house.

"Hi, daddy!" i say wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Hi zebra! How you been?! I missed you." he says into my hair hugging me back.

"I've been good. I missed you too daddy." i say at the verge of tears.

Me and my father always had an amazing bond. When he travled I would never talk to him because I would always feel like I would cry my eyes out. The same was for him.

I let go of him and jumped out of the car grabbing my batman backpack also. I close the door to the car and was meet with a huge mansion!

"Woah! Ohh my gosh!!" i say hugging my dad. He just chuckles at my reaction.

"Go check out your room kiddo." he says shoving me to the front door.

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