Chapter 4

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He slept in the lonesome bed, the side opposite to him remained empty as he liked it. He rolled over and stretched out before the knock at the door echoed through the room. The first rays of sun had only just started to break through the darkness of night, offering its radiance to the world.

"Enter," said William as he rubbed his eyes sleepily however his voice continued to hold the same authority to it that only a King would hold. The hinges of the door creaked as it opened to reveal the young boy who appeared no older than thirteen.

"Two messages have arrived for you, your grace," said the boy as he bowed to his better.

"Are they of urgency?"

"You said to alert you immediately if a letter were to arrive from Lord Titus," replied the boy. Upon hearing his words, William sat up in response.

"He has responded?"

"Yes, your grace. Lord Vayron has also sent word as to update you, your grace,"

"Give them to me," commanded the King.

"As you wish, your grace," replied the boy as he handed over both letters, sealed by wax. Breaking the seal, William opened the letter that clearly been sent by Lord Titus before opening the one sent by his brother. His hopes to finally have an heir; soared to the heights of the sky as the wax broke to reveal the written.

King William,

Though your offer appears tempting, I am sorry to disappoint you with the decision to keep my daughter in the Isle of Spiders where I know that she will be safe. As you may understand, with my wife being unable to bear a child, Lady Nina Frostborn is the only heir for Spiders Keep and thus, I regret to inform you that she will certainly not be leaving my custody in order to enter the lands of the south.

I hope that you will not attempt to push this any further, your grace.

Lord Titus

So much of his letter appeared informal until it appeared as though it had been hastily written. His writing was both unneat and unlike a Lord, causing William to wonder what could have been happening during the time that the letter was being written.

He sighed in frustration as he began to rub his temples. Had he truly believed that it would have been that easy? Did he really believe that a simple order from a King would have made Lord Titus do what he wanted?

Lord Titus has always been a man stuck in his ways and once he had made his decision, there was no changing his mind. Why had William been so foolish to believe otherwise?

William threw the letter aside before he looked to the servant boy whom had delivered it to him,

"Bring me parchment, wax, ink and quill," he commanded.

"Yes, your grace," replied the boy before leaving once again. William stood and began to dress himself as he began to lose himself in thought.

He wondered how he was to word the letter to young Wulfric without pushing him away. He needed to bring him closer, his plan had been made and now, it was in action though he was having more help in it than he originally thought.

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