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The room is dark, the shadows close.

The fitful, flickering candle,

Not saving me from being morose.

Outside I hear them coming.

I'm no longer safe, no longer secure,

They'll be here soon,

With their weapons, their hate,

Smashing my windows, breaking my door.

What's left of my friends, what remains of my town,

They've tracked me to here, they've hunted me down.

So I sit in my chair, watching the flame.

Knowing it's me, I'm solely to blame.

But what else could I do? After what I have seen?

The things I have done? The places I've been?

If only they knew, if they could but see,

Maybe they'd realise that it had to be me.

But they don't, and it's done.

The game is played, no-one's won.

So I sit, and I wait,

And I welcome my fate...

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