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I wake up of someone knocking on the door really loud. I look over at the clock and it's 3 am. I came home 4 hours ago. I get up to open the door cause this person is still knocking. It's probably Kate, she isn't in her bed so it's her. I open the door and see the last person i expected it to be. Harry. Why is he here? To insult med more ?

''What are you doing here? It's 3 am!'' I yell whisper to him.

''Sam i... i couldn't wait''

''Wait for what? To insult me more?'' Is this the first time he calls me Sam?

''I'm sorry.''

''You really think that i'll forgive you?''

''Well, yeah''

''Bye Harry'' I say as i'm about to close the door. But of course he put his foot between so i can't close it.

''Let me in''He says.

''What, no''

''Come on let me in''

''Are you fucking deaf, no''

''Don't be stubborn Samantha''

''Ugh, you're so annoying.'' I say and let him in.

He sits down on my bed. 

''That's my bed''

''I know'' He says with his smirk.

''So what is that important to say at 3am?'' I ask him annoyed.

''Look i'm sorry, i really am and i know i should've said something when Sarah...''

''Acted like a bitch?'' I cut him of.

''Yeah'' He says and look down.

''You just stood there and did nothing when she treated me like that.'' I say and a tear managed to fall from my eye.

''I know, i'm an asshole and i'm so sorry.'' He says and comes to me. 

I cross my arms and another tear fall down.

''Please don't cry.'' He says as he cups my face with his warm hands.

''She was right.'' I say and look down.


''Sarah she was right, i've never had sex or had a boyfriend.''


I just nod.

''What are you thinking about?'' I ask him.

''I thought, you know maybe, um never mind.'' 

''No tell me''

''Nothing it's stupid, i don't even know why i thought that.''

''Tell me, please''

''I thought maybe... i could teach you'' He says and look down.

''Teach me what?''

''About sex, i can give you lessons, if you want.''

''Oh'' Is all i say. I swallow hard. Sex lessons? With Harry?

''I know it's stupid, i shouldn't have said it.''

''No, i- i um, i want to do it'' I say and swallow hard.

''You don't have to''

''No i want to do it.'' I cut him of. He looks me in the eyes.

''Are you sure?'' 

''Yes, just don't tell anyone''

''Of course not.'' He says and a little smile shows up on his face.

''I need to get back to sleep now.'' I say still not breaking eye contact with him.

''Yeah'' He says and nods.

He goes and opens the door to go out.

''Wait'' I say and he turns around.


''You can stay, if you want.''

''Are you sure?''

I nod.

He close the door and comes closer to me. He looks me in the eyes and lick his lip. He cups my face in his hands and kiss me. His soft lips against mine, and his tongue on mine. This is better than before. We pull away and he takes his shoes and jacket of. Then he leads me to my bed and we lay down and pull the cover on us. He takes his arm and wrap it around me and we fell asleep.


I wake up and try to carefully remove Harry's arms around me. I slowly remove them and get up. I look on the sleeping Harry. Holy shit, did this really happen? 

Finally it's Saturday.

I go to take my usual stuff and go to take a shower. I get in and there is three other girls there. I quickly get in and turn the water on. The warm water feels so fucking good on my body. I wash my body and hair and of course shave my legs and armpits. When i'm done i wrap my towel around my body and wrap another towel around my hair and go out. When i get in my room Harry is sitting on my bed rubbing his eyes. 

''Morning.'' He says with a smile and a raspy morning voice. 

''Morning.'' I say and smile a little. 

I go to to my wardrobe to pick some clothes. I take some blue high wasted jeans and a white tank top and a cardigan.

''I need to change.'' I say.

''Go ahead.'' He says with his smirk and stares at me.

''No your pervert, go out.'' 

''Fine.'' He says and sighs.

He goes towards the door.

''Wait, when do we, you know..''

''Oh the sex lessons'' He says and laughs. Oh god.

I nod.

''Meet me outside in 20 minutes.'' He says with a smirk and goes out.

Oh shit, it's about to happen.

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