The End?

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I came back to Australia waiting for Nicki to pick me up.

"Sabrina!" I heard a voice shout.

There she is.

I turned around to see a young man with blonde hair smiling.

It was Lachlan.

"Lachlan! Hey buddy! What are you doing here?" I said as I hugged him.

"Nicki told me to pick you up." he smiled

"Oh, okay." he picked up my luggage and brought me to his car.

We both got in.

"So I haven't spent a lot of time with one of my best buddies!" He looked at me.

"Awww. That's sweet." I smiled

"So now that your'e here, wanna go do something?"

"Like what?"

"I don't know. Go to an arcade or something."

"I would love that. Wanna meet up with Troye as well?"

"Sure." He pulled out the airport parking lot.

"I'll tell him to meet us there." I said typing on the phone.

And as usual when I'm ever in the car, I make them sing along with me to the radio. I know I'm weird.

We got to the arcade after we stopped to get food.

We went inside and right when I won my first prize, everything went black.

"Guess who...." I heard someone say in a sing-song type of voice.

I turned around and hugged him.

"Troye!" I smiled

" Hey big sis!" He was one of my closest friends

"You okay? That Brian guy still following you?" He asked, referring to that time I posted a video about that secret.

"No. He's gone for good. I really missed you!" I was still hugging him.

"I missed you too." He chuckled.

I stopped hugging him.

"Now let's go!" I said as we ran along and started playing.

I completely lost track of time. It was 4 hours past and Nicki told me it's time to get back. I said my goodbyes to the two and Lachy drove me home.

Nicki was standing at the door with a face and her arms crossed.

Lachlan walked me to the door.

"Where were you?! You had me worried sick!" She shouted

"Calm down, Nix. I was with Lachy and Troye." I told her, relaxed.

"You should have at least told me!"

"Okay. Okay. I'm sorry."

"No. Im not having this." She faced another direction.

"Oh come on please." I begged with puppy eyes

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