Lazy weekend

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"I'm flying! Jack!" Wiley and Anila acted out the famous scene by standing on the sofa. Wiley had tears in his eyes and Anila was enjoying the heartfelt moment in the movie. Nina shared a look with George and they both laughed, having to stuff their mouths with popcorn to stifle the sound.


By the end of the movie, there were lots of crumpled up tissues around Wiley, he had gotten quite tearful throughout the movie. Nina hadn't even cried at all.

It was late now, they were stuffed from all the popcorn and they were tired. George was the first one to rise from the sofa, he stretched out his legs and yawned.

"Bedtime." He croaked.

"Wait, can we have milk and cookies first?" asked Anila.

"Yeah, sure." answered George. He made the short journey from the living room to the kitchen and poured four mugs of milk, then he put them in the microwave to heat up. He opened the cookie jar and set out four cookies on to a plate. Ding! George opened the microwave door and took out the mugs of now hot milk. He took in the plate of cookies first and went back for the mugs.

It was nice to just have a day where they could have fun and do normal things like watch a movie and not have to think about any dangers that could be approaching...


Anila awoke to the sound of rain pattering against her window. There was a very dull sky outside, this was because Anila had been worrying, a lot. Even though the others may have forgotten about Malfaux while watching the movie last night, Anila had not. The truth was, Malfaux scared Anila, she tried to put on a brave face and pretend Malfaux was no big deal, but she was. There was just something about her... Something Anila couldn't quite put her finger on...

It was years ago, the four friends were new to their power, so new that they made a lot of mistakes, as shown by the bipolar weather. They were very powerful though, no doubt about it.

George, Nina, Wiley and Anila were idly lounging around in their house, when suddenly, everything began to shake. It was like the air was trying with all its might to blow their magnificent house down! Nina went very pale, a strange thing for the fire girl to do, as she usually had rosy cheeks. But Nina felt seasick, because the house rocked back and forth like a small boat. Everyone ran - well, hobbled - outside to see a woman standing there, giving off an aura of superiority. She wore knee high red leather boots, black skinny jeans, a black leather jacket and a red blouse, of which you could only see the collar poking out of the top of the jacket. Most of her clothes seemed to be made of leather.

Anila snapped out of her memory when she saw a figure fill the doorway, it was Wiley. He was calling her to... Breakfast? No... He was asking something, "Are you okay?" Wiley's voice finally came, completely dragging Anila out of her nightmarish memories and back to reality. Anila felt something wet on her face. Tears. She got up and threw her arms around Wiley. At first he was startled but then he embraced her fully.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2015 ⏰

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