The Slang

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Hey everyone! To make the story more cultured and realistic, I decided to throw in some scottish slang. I made a reference page for those of you who do not understand what the characters are talking about. If any of you have any comments of any of this, go ahead.

I'll gie ye a skelpit lug! - I'll give you a slap on the ear.

Keep the heid! - Stay calm, don't get upset.

I'm fair puckled! - I'm short of breath.

Pure dead brilliant - Exceptionally good.

Yer bum's oot the windae - You're talking rubbish.

Heid doon arse up! - Get on with it!

Yer aywis at the coo's tail. - Hurry up, you're always dragging your heels.

You're a wee scunner! - You're a pest/nuisance.


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