First Meeting

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I'm an english teacher for foreign student such as chinese, japanese, koreans for almost nine years now. Well it's always the same if your going to ask me. Meeting them for the first time, introduction, I will introduce myself to them and they will do the same. The first meeting is always important because it is where you establish rapport with them as well as you will assess their talking and writing proficiency in english language. It's kind of a tiring job yet you will manage to learn their culture there, their lifestyle and other stuff in their own country. Most of my student are teens or maybe children from seven years old to seventeen. First day of the week when they said I have a new batch of students from Korea. Well it's kinda exciting because I love KPOP, their foods and culture as well. I've been practicing speaking and writing Hangul (Korean) for almost ten years now, it's hard as hell yet I enjoy doing it for my personal preference. 10 o' clock in the morning when this student enter my room. She is a young Korean girl, she's small and by the look of it it seems she's only 12 or 13 years old. When the first time I gaze upon her, I notice her pale and flawless skin complexion, pointed nose, rounded cheek and a very cute eyes hehehe.
I thought she can't speak english at all, I asked her, what is your name? She said Angela, I look closely on her eyes, I remember Tiffany Hwang of Girls Generation. She also got an eye smile like Tiffany Hwang. I said to myself she's cute. She asked me teacher do you have a girlfriend?
I just lost myself within a moment of silence and I answered back, "I said no girlfriend for almost five years now". She asked me again "why"?
I said "there are no decent lady out there", she just smiled back at me. Her english speaking prowess is second to none, we can communicate well during our first day of meeting, her textbook that she bought here in the Philippines from Korea is useful and she said we should use that book in order for her to learn more of the english language. I like her for being smart, she can speak well and she answer all of the question on the textbook on a short period of time. Our first day of a teacher and student relationship is somewhat fun and interesting...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2015 ⏰

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