Chapter 17

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Mark’s POV

Mark got Katelyn to the cabin without incident. He locked the door behind him and the wolves protecting them set themselves up around the cabin far away so that they could protect them but still give them privacy. He looked at the wonderful woman in his arms.

“Would you like a bath?” He asked softly.

She nodded and he took her into the bathroom, set her on the counter and ran a nice warm bath. All the while Mark was pushing back his wolf.

*Mark her, mark her! Make her ours and get his mark off of her!!!*

*hush Aaron! We will! But don’t you want his scent off her first? And to make her feel better?*

Aaron growled and Mark smiled inwardly, he had won this round. The bathroom they were in was large and the bathtub was large enough for a few people to fit in comfortably. Once it was filled he turned off the tap and went over to Katelyn. He gently lifted her face so she was looking at him.

“your bath is finished my lady” He said with an over exaggerated bow and an English accent.

Katelyn smiled at him, tears still in her eyes.  Mark helped her up and took the sheet off of her. He helped her into the tub and got in with her still clothed.   

“Why are you still in your clothes?” Katelyn asked softly.

“A couple of reasons, 1 being I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable and 2 if I did take off my clothes then my wolf would try to mark and mate you and I want to wait until you’re ready” Mark said grabbing a cloth and some soap.

“So you still want me? Even though I’ve been marked and could be pregnant?” Katelyn said.

Mark went over to her and kissed her gently but passionately. He pulled her close so she could feel the proof of his attraction growing. He pulled back at and looked in her eyes.

“You are my mate, mine, you belong to me, and I belong to you. That mark you wear is temporary and if you let me I will replace it before the night is out. You and any pups you have are mine no matter who shares their DNA. I was gifted with a perfect mate that I should have claimed from the start. I am sorry my love, sorry for making you feel rejected and for not claiming you when I should have, maybe if I had you wouldn’t have been taken. Do you forgive me?”

Katelyn’s POV

Katelyn saw the unshed tears in Mark’s eyes, the pain that he felt responsible for what happened to her. She also saw the love that he had for her and she knew that he would make everything ok.

She leaned up and kissed him softly “There’s nothing to forgive my love.”

She smiled at him and together they washed away the other scent that was clinging to her.  They were finished when another wave of her heat washed over her. She staggered into him and breathed his scent in as arousal rose within her.

Katelyn looked up at him. “please, take his mark off me and show me what it’s truly like to be with a man”

“Are you sure?” He asked huskily.

“Yes, please, replace that mark, and replace the bad memories with some good ones” Katelyn said smiling.

Mark grinned at her. She saw both him and his wolf in his eyes. Katelyn’s own wolf was jumping up and down inside of her. He picked her up bridal style and got out of the tub. He laid her gently on the bed and stripped before laying down beside her.

“Tonight my love I will show you not only what it’s like to be with a real man but I will worship your body as it should be worshiped. But first, we have washed away his scent, and now we will wash away his mark.”

“What if I’m..”

Mark placed a finger over her mouth to quiet her. “I can't wait to mark you until we find out if you are or not but I can promise you that even in the slight chance that you are my mark will not harm the pup. I have claimed you in my heart and soul and in doing so I claim all pups that come from you as mine.” Mark smiled then added cockily “besides, you might not be pregnant now but I can’t guarantee you won’t be pregnant after tonight, You are mine” Mark growled “and I can’t wait to see you round with my pup”

Katelyn smiled at him. The possessiveness turned her on and was a common trait in all wolves, She knew that while he claimed her, she also claimed him. Male wolves were just usually more vocal when it came to their possessiveness however a female wolf wouldn’t hesitate to tear another female to bits for trying to get with her mate.

Mark positioned himself over top of her and gently moved her hair away from her neck. He kissed her gently and yet kept himself hovered over her so that only their lips touched. Katelyn growled a little frustrated, wanting to feel more of him. Mark kissed down her throat and to the spot where he would mark, taking away Paul’s mark. He nuzzled her neck before biting down on the spot where her neck met her collarbone.

Katelyn cried out, not in pain but in pleasure. She felt the love he felt for her wash over her, washing away the other mark.

After he was finished marking her Mark looked down at her and smiled. “And now my love, for the fun part”

Mark spent the rest of the night into the morning worshiping her body and pushing her over the edge over and over again. They finished off in the shower as he washed her and took her again before they both fell asleep in the bed with Mark wrapped around her holding her close.

Carter’s POV

Carter got his mate to their cabin and took her straight into the shower. He helped her clean up and held her for the rest of the night as she cried and clung to him. He whispered to her how much he loved her and how long he had waited for his mate. He told her how beautiful she was and how lucky he was to have her for a mate. He told her how he would protect her and how he wouldn’t let another male touch her.  Mostly He just let her cry and let it all out. Together they fell asleep early morning in each other’s arms tears had stopped flowing down Carol’s face and she almost looked at peace.

Alpha George’s POV

Alpha George walked down the rows of cells in his dungeon. Luckily for his prisoners his cells we kept clean and they were given food and water. His cells were filled with top commanders of Paul’s pack/army and the cell at the end, the one most heavily guarded had Paul in it. A week, He could give the boys and their mates a week to recover before they would have to face this. He knew what would happen to Paul, and he knew who would carry out the sentence. Carol would have to identify who hurt her and Carter would be given the option to carry out the sentence that would be given to them.

The remaining members of the pack were told the truth of what happened to Paul’s mate. Some didn’t believe him and that was fine. The members were given an option, to leave or to join either his pack or alpha Logan’s pack. They had decided to keep the packs separate until Mark and Katelyn were ready to take over and join the packs. He had found out that most of the rogues were not there by choice, Paul either had something on them or were keeping their mates or pups captive. He had seen a lot of reunions that day as his pack went through and released the wolves out of the cells. A lot of wolves had joined the packs and were welcomed in with open arms.

He left the dungeons and gave it one last look. A week, a week until the girls were truly back and a week until fates were decided. 

~~~~ And another chapter is up :) a few more then the epiloge :) vote, comment and let me know what you think :) Sorry for the delay this week in the update I promise for an update early next week to make up for it. Thank you all for reading!~~~~

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