Chapter 1

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'I can't believe I won!' I exclaimed as I jumped into the backseat of the car.
'You looked so good out there, I am not surprised' My Mum said as she hopped in the passenger seat.
I saw Dad walk around to the drivers seat.
'You looked awesome out there Amy' He said as he sat down ' The nationals are practically at your fingertips!'
'Thanks Daddy' I said leaning forward to give him a kiss on the cheek. This is me first year of being in the advanced class for cheer leading. I had been doing cheer since I was 6 and I have moved up the levels faster then anyone else has at C.O.T.S. (cheering on the stars). And also since I do ballet and gymnastics, I have a lot to keep track of. I also have a lesson in our Olympic size swimming pool twice a week. I uses to do little A's but stopped when I started high school. Ran out of time.
'Can we stop and get something to eat on the way home?' I asked as I sat back in my seat and put my seat belt on.
'It's getting late, sure you don't want to go home and watch a movie?' Dad answered as he pulled onto the road.
'Please?' I said putting my puppy face on. I figured out when I was 4 that he could never resist it.
He look into the mirror and saw my pouting face 'Okay, okay. As long as you put your happy face back on'
'Deal' I said victorious.
Mum and Dad started doing usual talk of work and other boring stuff. My gaze shifted to the window and I watched the passing scenery. The competition was a couple of hours away from home so we past an area of farms. I quickly got board looking at the animals and started up the T.V. that came out of the roof. Dad had our tech guy set it up so that I could chose any movie or season ever made, even if it only just came out at the cinema. I decided to pick a random movie and ended watching the avengers. Halfway through the movie, Dad called out that we were a couple of minutes away. Saying okay back, I shut the T.V. off and scrolled through Facebook on my phone.
Suddenly there was a massive screech and I heard a scream from my Mum. Snapping my head up, I saw a car come flying towards us. Dad quickly swerved and just managed to dodge it, only to drive into the oil spill the car had left. I felt the car spin out and hastily grapes into the hand rest for some support. I jammed my eyes shut and waited for it to stop. What felt like ages after but was only a few seconds, the car slammed into the side of a truck and the last thing I remember seeing is the truck falling on to us and the sound of smashing glass...

Some time later...

The sound of hurried footsteps and rushed voices filled my head as the fog cleared. I pried my eyes open and saw the ground underneath me, I then felt strong hands lift me up and put me on something soft.
'Where am I?' I managed to moan out before shutting my eyes, the pain hurt too much.
'She's alive!' I heard someone say 'What about the other two?'
'I don't think they were so lucky' I heard another voice say.
What other two? Were they talking about my parents? My mind was too full to think.
'We should give her something to dull the pain' I heard another voice say as I felt the soft thing being put down.
'I will get it ready' The reply was.
Wait what? Were they giving me a needle? I opened my eyes to see someone is a mask walk towards me with a needle.
'No...' I muttered out before slipping into darkness again.

Some time later...

This time a sound of beeping woke me up. I opened my eyes to see a white roof, tilting my head I could see a white wall and the other three sides had a colourful curtain draped around me. As my eyes stopped blurring and I could focus more, I saw that there was various tubes and needles coming out of me. I could also see a bright green cars on my right wrist, I looked on my left are and saw a bright blue one going above my elbow. Great, now I can't bend my arm. There was no pain in my body, I guess I was pretty filled up was antibiotics. The sound of a curtain being pulled made me look up, a lady in a doctors uniform walked in with a clip board.
'Good, your up' she said walking over to check something on a machine before writing something down on her clip board. 'My name is Kelly, I will be your personal nurse while you are here'
I guess I got the uniforms wrong.
'What happened? Why am I here? Where am I? And where are my parents?' I answered trying to pull myself in a sitting position but failing miserably.
'Careful sweety' she said rushing over to stop me.
'Don't call me sweety' I would have yelled but I didn't have the energy 'Now answer my questions'
'Your in the hospital, your were severely injured in a road accident involving a truck, your car and two others. A car lost control and hit another which made it fly out and hit yours. You then hit the truck and the truck fell on you. Your-'
'Wait a minute, I remember Dad dodging the car but then driving through an oil spill and spinning out of control.'
Kelly checked her clip board before answering ' My apologies, that is what happened.'
'Thank you, know what happened to my parents?'
'There were 5 deaths. The driver and a child in the backseat died in the car that the first one hit, the man in the car that your farther dodged also passed away. When the truck fell, it landed on the passenger side of your car and made it flip over. When it landed on the ground again, it landed on the drivers side. Your were very lucky to survive but your parents, I'm sorry Amy but they are dead.'
Yeah so Amy is spoilt who was just in a car crash and found out her parents are dead. That is the beginning of her cursed life.

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