Chapter 33

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-Next Morning-

I got up, I was sharing a room with the girls. Bathe and shave myself everywhere, brushed my teeth and brushed my curly hair and put it in a ball onto of my head and put on my outfit, got me a sausage dog. I warm it up in the microwave and left. I saw Hotch, Daddy, Emily, Spencer. I finshed my food the time I came down. I yawned and stretched popping a bone in my hip. "That sound like it hurt" Daddy said. "A little bit" I said and stood next to Hotch. He pick me up and sat me on his arm. I winced and kissed his cheek,leaving a cute lipstick imprint and rested my head on his shoulder. We waited for Derek, JJ, Rossi. Hotch sat me in a chair. Then left me with Emily to find them. "Hey you!" A voice said. Me and Emily turned around and saw 3 skinny guys walking to us. "What"I said. "You look familiar, have I seen you before" The black one said. "Idk"I said. "Don't she look Like Skull baby" The white one said. "We don't know what ha face look like dumbass, but her body is sexy like her" The white one. I began to panic. Then someone picked me up and sat me on their shoulder. "Who are you and why are you messing with what's Mines" Hotch said glaring down at the boys. "N-Nothing" The black one said and ran away with the other two. "Did they hurt you Love" He asked worriedly. "Nah, they just asked me question about am I Skull baby" I told him and hugged his head. Then the others came and we got into two SUV's We drove to the PD. I got out with Hotch help and we walked in and greeted the lieutenant. We walked to our room and closed the door. "Hotch we're sorry we didn't tell you, Strauss said it was for your safety" JJ said as everyone sat down expect me since there weren't anymore I just looked out the window. "I know she's concerned, I don't need protection or anything" Hotch said irritated. I looked up at the buildings, remembering my funny past. Someone grabbed the side of my waist with their hands lifted me and walked over to the table and sat me in they lap. I looked up and saw Hotch. We started talking about our unsub. Spencer called me over, to where the unsub might be. I got off Hotch lap and walked over to other table. "Here the first victims arpartment, there the second victims house" Spencer said circling the victims house and drawn a line in between them. "But the first dump sight, is near the second victims house and the second dump sight is far away from either household" I said leaning over. Not knowing my skirt hitched up, showing my butt and black lace panties. "How long will it be till he kills someone else" I asked innocently. "Judging by the time apart of the other two victims, I'll say about either tomorrow or in a few hours" He said. "Ada, stand up straight, I can see your panties" Hotch angry voice said from beside me. My face went hot and I stood up, covering my butt, embarrassed. Emily laughed at me. Hotch glared at her and she stopped. I giggled them he glared at me and I flinched and looked down. An officer knocked on the door. We all looked. "T-The lieutenant want your agents to check on some thing from the morge and the victims crime scene" He said. Hotch nodded. "Mr. August, JJ, Reid, Rossi" He said crossing his arms. The called people left the room. Emily closed the blinds and locked the door and turned on the lights. Me and Emily looked at the board. "But why is the second dump sight way over here" I said standing on my tip toes to point. "Wait he dumped the first body by the second victims area, could the possible third victim be in the second dump site area" Emily said. Before we could say any thing I was picked up and laid on a desk . I saw Hotch, Derek with Duct tape, Emily all smirking. "What yall doing" I asked. Hotch pulled down my top and bra letting my breast bounce. He grabbed the back of my knees and pulled off my panties. Emily held down my wrists with both hands. Hotch then attacked my breast. He took one it in his mouth sucked on it then flicked it with his tounge. "nngh" I moaned in pleasure. He gave the other the same treatment. He stopped Derek put tape over my eyes. "N-No" I whimpered as I felt Hotch finger slip into me, I closed my legs tightly. He opened them by force and thrust two fingers in me. "Punishment Ada" I heard Emily said. "This is painful" I cried from the pain. He thrusted his fingers in and out. "Ahh..Its Hurts!!" I cried. Then I felt the tip on me. "No please don't l-" I started then he pushed in me slowly. Derek put tape on my mouth. I screamed in pain as he thrusted on my healing barrier. Derek took the tape off my mouth. He gave slow but hard and deep thrust. "Ahh...Nngh...P-Please Ahh...bubba" I moaned on each thrust with pain snd pleasure. "I'll stop soon, Love" he said and played with my clit. "So tight" I heard him say. He kissed me and broke it and thrusted faster. I moaned higher from pain. He grabbed my breast and played with the nipples with his thumb. My Blood ran from my small pussy to tha floor. "The others should be back soon ehh" Hotch said. I felt a familiar feeling building up. "S-Stop..Nngh..I'm g-gonna...Ahh" I tried to say but moaned in between words. "Cum for me Kitten" He said. "Ahh..Nngh...Ahh!!" I moaned As I came then he came at the same time. He slid outta me. "Ow Ow" I whimpered. Emily let go of my wrist. Hotch picked me up and I stood as he pulled up my panties, and pulled up my shirt and bra. He took off the tape from my eyes, tears escape from my eyes. He wiped them away and kissed my forehead. He cleaned up our mess and he kept me in his lap. "Ada looks too tiny for you Hotch" Derek said. "She is" Hotch said. "Does it hurt every time" Derek asked me. "Yea, My Hymen Heals up so it can be broken again" I said. "Is the others com- Nngh!!"I started but Hotch put his hands under my bra and started playing with my breast and started sucking on my neck. "Ahh not there" I moaned and he licked my neck and bit it,and sucked on various spots. He was making my breast go up and down slowly. "Ahh" I lightly bit my fist. "These are MINE" He growled in my ear giving my left one a tight squeeze. I closed one eye tightly from the pain and the right side of my body went left a little. "T-They're y-yours" I whimpered out. He bit my neck and took his hands out off my shirt. I rested my head against him. "Why did you do all that I didn't heal up from the last time, now imma be sore tha rest of tha week" I whined. "Can't help myself" he said and Nuzzled my head lovingly. Emily unlocked the door then the others came in. Hotch growled when he saw Lieutenant, then his phone ranged, we all looked at him. He got up and sat me in His chair and left the room. Then came back in a few minutes later. "6 Women went missing this morning" Hotch said blankly. "H-How come we just now hearing this" I said shyly. "Their loved ones didn't suspect anything, 23 year old Victoria Waters, 25 year old Tina Black, 22 year old Latoya Zero,23 year old Nia Perez, 26 Chyna Yamamoto, 27 Monica Tyler " Hotch said. My eyes widened. 'They got kidnapped, not my babies' I cried in my mind. Then an office came in. "Another went missing five minute ago" He said. I was sad but we all went to the person were he was last seen, his house. Hotch pulled up to a very familiar drive way. I ran out the SUV before it Can even stop. I opened the door and saw all the destroyed stuff. I fell in my knees causing them to bleed and cried. Then someone pick me up. "He gone Bubba"I cried in his shoulder. "Who's gone" he asked. "DD" I cried in his shoulder. "Who's DD" Emily asked. "You don't have to explain" Derek said. I turned to look at him tear eyed and saw he was holding up a frame, with Me and DD we were on the steps going to a dinner party for TI. I had on a two piece outfit. A long black tight skirt, the flowy part of the skirt started at my knees then flowed down to the back. My Top was a like a crop top it was black with long sleeves, I had a black clutch with gold spikes. DD had a white button up shirt, black dress capri's and black dress shoes, a black bow tie, and a black clutch with gold spikes. I was kissing his cheek. "Is he-" Derek began to ask. "Yea" I said, wiping my tears. "How long have yall know each other" Daddy said. "S-Since I was 15" I blushed. He rose an eyebrow. "There was a struggle, someone got dragged out tha back door" Spencer said. Hotch walked over to Spencer. I looked down. We walked to the backyard. I saw a dirt covered hole and gasped. Hotch and Derek got shovel and started digging. I swatted down a little with my hand on my knees. The dirt started moving and out came a familar big black bulldog. It jumped out he hole,I yelped in fear. It stood in front of me protectively, growling at all the officers and my team. "Sweetness" I said and pet his dirty head. "Really He named him sweetness" Derek said
I giggled. He came up and Sweetness sniff his hand and got use to him. Hotch came up and did the same, Sweetness liked him too. I gave him bath and let him run free. I giggled. Hotch picked me up,we took Sweetness to a friends House and went back to station and went to our room. Hotch sat me on a table. "This might sting a little" He said and put alcohol on my knees. I whimpered loudly. He wrapped my knees up and gave me a kiss on each on. I giggled at him. He helped me down. He patted my head, messing up my ball. "Man" I whined. I took it down and put it back up. I smiled and walked over to Spencer. "The Lieutenant is staring at your butt"He whispered to me. I hmmed and turned around around,looking at the lieutenant. He looked away, I shrugged and turned back to Spency. I pinned a picture of DD on the board with the other who are missing. I cried, but wiped my tears. "Ada come here" I heard Daddy say. I turned my head and walked to them. "When did you meet Damien" Hotch asked. I blushed and looked down. "U-Umm, the s-strip c-club" I said. "You was 15, why were you at a strip club!!" he yelled. "I worked there" I said. "You was a stripper, at age 15. WHY" He yelled again. "I-I had to get money to go to collage Dad, and help Mama pay bills" I yelled at him. "Did she know" He asked angrily. "Yea" I said. "Why didn't she tell me" He said. "Because you didn't need to know" I heard Mama voice from the door. We turned and saw Mama, Walton, Keisha. "What y'all doing here" I asked. " I heard Damien and the girls got kidnapped" Mama said raising an eyebrow. "You knew him too, You know what Ada I don't even know why I adopted you, I guess I just felt sorry for ya, you a hoe, tha worst mistake I ever made" He said. "Oh, no offence Keisha, but you mad cuz I was a stripper and a well-known background dancer, I was making money for my ass to get here and to support mama, and you wanna get mad. What about Keisha she's a stud going against god and you don't say shit and you pretend to be dead for 10 year off my life, instead of coming out, you stayed in the shadows like the punk ass bitch you are" I said smiling at him tears running down my face. "Imma see yall later" I said and ran out the door. "Ada wait" I heard Mama and Hotch yell after me. I ran out the police department and walked down the streets of Atlanta. I wiped my tears and redid my make up and took out my cross necklace and put it on. My phone was ringing, but I turned it off. I decided to cheer myself up. I went in a kitten shop, I saw cute little kittens. I went to a small baby black one. I pet it and it hung from onto my finger .Then a man came up to me. "Hi you must really love kittens" He asked. He was hella cute. "Ya, they cheer me up and I fell in love with his one" I said. "Well hope you get happy"He smiled at me and walked away. I put the kitten down and walked out. I walked by a alley. When I was grabbed, and and hit on the head, I blacked out.

-PD: Normal pov-

"Why did you say those things to Ada" Hotch screamed while he was begin held back by Derek and Rossi, "They just slipped out" James said while he was begin held back my Keisha and Walton. Tina was in between them. "AYE SHUT YALL ASSES UP" She screamed. It became silent. "Why did you say all that, I dont give a damn that she's not ours, she mines, I raised her from newborn to adult, you didn't have to say all those things to her. she was right I knew of her job but she was doing it to support us and get into a good college" Tina said and punched James in tha nose. "Now you, caused this bullshit and now you go find her, she betta be back in one piece, you bests not Hurt my child" Tina said. James ran out the door. "We could just have Garcia track her from her phone" Spencer said. "I know that but he needed to at least try and find her" Tina said and laughed. "Garcia...Yes My Hunk of Sexy Chocolate... Can you track Ada's phone...Sure but why...She and Her Father had an arguement and she ran out, somewhere...I hope she's ok I'll check that now, she in a alley by a small pet shop". "Ok thanks Garcia" Derek said and hung up. "Well she did always love kittens" Keisha said. They all went ran to SUV's and drove to the pet store. Hotch and Tina ran the front desk. "Have you see a girl with Black hair, blue eyes, curvy figure,Short" Hotch asked. "Yea she was in here a few minutes ago,playing with that black kitten" The man said pointing to a small black kitten that was staring the door. "Do you know where she went" Tina asked. "Well she went Left" He said. They all ran and drove to a close alley. Hotch ran in and tried to find anything, but found nothing until he noticed something beaming in the light. I walked over and pick up the object and saw it was Ada's Iphone. Tears were coming down his face,but he wiped them away. Tina came up behind him and saw the phone and cried. They walked out. "Is that ha phone" Walton asked. Tina nodded, Hotch just walked to the SUV, the other got in and drove to the PD.

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