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Finley's P.O.V

I was half asleep on the couch when Eli came home. He was a nocturnal creature, therefore  he took classes at night. When I stretched and yawned, I saw that it was one in the morning. Eli came in and saw that I was awake.

"Babe, what are you doing up?" he whispered. "You should be in bed."

I gave him a half smile. "I couldn't sleep without you," I admitted.

Eli's expression softened. "Aw, babe, come on, let's get you to bed."

He scooped me up, being careful of my baby bump, as I was now about four months pregnant, and carried me to our room. He set me down and pulled the covers back. I crawled into them and settled down. Eli was about to leave but I protested, "No, stay."

Eli turned around. "Babe, I would love to, and I'll be right back, I'm just hungry."

"At least until I fall asleep?" I begged.

Eli came back and cuddled me, wrapping his arms around my waist, pressing them gently against my baby bump and resting his chin on my shoulder. This is how he usually cuddled me since I found out I was pregnant.

"What did you do while I was gone?" he murmured, pressing kiss to my shoulder.

"I ate dinner, and I was thinking of baby names," I answered.

"What names did you come up with?"

"None," I admitted. "I like all of them too much."

Eli's chuckle vibrated against my back. "Well, for a boy, I like Luke."

I twisted to look over my shoulder. "Like my brother?"

Eli nodded. "Yeah. I mean, he had a great impact on your life, and he comes over all the time."

"I like Luke for a middle name," I mused. "If we name our baby after Luke I think his head will get even bigger."

Eli laughed. "You're probably right. And for a girl, what about Ashton?"

"Calla would be pissed," I murmured. "You know Calla is way more excited for this baby than Ashton is."

"Then what about Allie?"

I tensed slightly in Eli's arms and he sensed it, pressing kisses along my neck and shoulder. I hadn't really seen Allie in years. She moved east after she graduated three years ago, and she hadn't come back. I heard that she was dating someone and that she was thinking about moving back to Australia, but I wasn't sure. We kind of had just moved on with our lives and drifted apart.

"I know you and Allie haven't talked," Eli said. "But she was one of your closest friends for a long time. Plus, Allie can be short for something, like Allison."

"Alicia," I murmured. "That was what Allie was short for."

"Okay, bad idea," Eli backtracked. "New question- what do you want, a boy or a girl?"

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I asked you first."

"I asked you second."

"I see how it is," Eli said. "Don't make me kiss you."

"What a punishment that is," I rolled my eyes.

Eli immediately took action on his threat, kissing and nibbling on my neck slightly. He found my soft spot and I gasped. He pulled away, and even though he was behind me I could tell he was smirking in satisfaction.

"What are we, teenagers?" I asked. "Leaving hickeys? I have to go to work tomorrow."

"You asked for it," Eli mumbled.

I sighed. "Boy."


"Boy. I want a boy," I repeated.

Eli paused. "Really?"

"Yes," I said, exasperated. "Why is that so hard to believe?"

"I dunno, it's just that most moms want little princesses to shower their love over," Eli said.

"Well, I want a boy, because I want to see him bring girls home and show us how much he loves her and go out and play whatever sport he wants, and I dunno, I just really want a boy," I shrugged. "I want a boy like you."

Eli didn't say anything, just rolled me over and kissed  me. It wasn't a hard kiss, just a gentle one where our mouths moved slowly and it felt like we were pouring our love into one another.

"I really love you, you know," Eli mumbled against my lips.

"I love you too."

"Honestly, I want a boy too, to play catch with, and give him girl advice and teach him all the sorts of things a man needs to know," Eli said, pulling away and playing with a strand of my hair.

"Then I think we're in luck," I whispered. "Unless we have a girl."

"In which case I will play dress up and let her do my hair and makeup and threaten to kill any boy she brings home," Eli said. "I just really want to see you with a baby."

I smiled. "Why?"

"Because the way you love me, which is a lot, is the way you'll love our baby. And any kid with you as their mom is a lucky child."

I pulled Eli closer to me, burying my head in his chest and I could feel his heartbeat, steady and reassuring. I thought of the tattoo on his chest, the heart one and I couldn't image a better father for my child.


idk the ending was iffy but I've been really feeling Feli feels and I decided I'll write the one shots throughout Fin's pregnancy, like the naming and the ultrasound and the food cravings and the birth and all that good jazz so, I hope you enjoy! And leave a comment for the baby's name, boy or girl, and I'll pick the one I like best and give you credit for naming Eli and Fin's baby!

love ya!

-t a y lo r  

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