A possible Second story for shouldnt I?

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Hey guys! I've had a few ideas about what Hannah does next, after watching the originals i thought this one up and i thought i would upload it to see what you think! This is like a pilot, there's nothing certain i just want to see what you guys think so let me know by commenting or messaging me! I decided i would give Hannah a bit of a make over and personality change, hopefully you like it. If i carry on this story its will only be one chapter a week as the episodes come out, let me know what you think! Thanks allot! XXXX


Hannah watched as Klaus walked a few yards down the street before stepping out of the shadows and leaning against a wall with her arms folded. "so hybrid curse broken, Pregnant werewolf one night stand; haven't i missed quite the show!" she said making her presence known. Klaus immediately turned around and his eyes widened with shock as he saw her before him, "Hannah?" he asked. "hello Nicklaus!" she said with a smirk plastered on her lips.

A week earlier.

Hannah had been training with her uncle for a few months now. everyday she would run first thing in the morning as the sun rose and last thing in the evening as it set. Her combat training started after breakfast and after lunch they worked on weaponry. Hannah was a fast learner and didn't find it hard to get a grasp on things; it all seemed so natural to her. She hadn't forgot about Klaus, that would never happen but the longer she was away the more her feelings changed. "lets go get some supper" Byron said in his signature Scottish accent that Hannah had gotten used to over the last few months. Hannah had settled here in Scotland, she lived in her uncles apartment in a small town on the small island of Arron, her mum didn't do this place justice when she described it. her favorite thing to do was to run because it meant she could see Arron's beauty.

They arrived at the apartment from the Field they had been training in looking tattered and muddy, Hannah jumped into the shower first before Byron used all the hot water. "YOU USE ALL THE WATER AND I'LL SKIN YOU ALIVE!" He called from the other side of the door. she turned the shower on "SORRY WHAT WAS THAT, I CANT HERE YOU!" she heard him growl something at her that was so thick Scottish she couldn't repeat it. Nothing was better then a hot shower after training and she stayed in there until the water ran cold. yeah, Byron was going to kill her. She changed into some running clothes after even though they wouldn't be running for a few hours.

When she entered the living room she was met by a shock. "hello Hannah" Lewis said standing up from the sofa where he was sat with Byron. "Lewis what are you doing here?" she asked, she hadn't scene Lewis since she left Mystic falls months ago. "i've come to ask for help, your help" he said. Byron got up of the sofa "i'll leave you to tell her and get a shower." he excused himself, he seemed distant like he always was when he had his mind on something, what ever Lewis had told him it was obviously serious. "what is it?" she asked taking a seat.

Lewis paused for a moment as he found the right words, "we have a vampire problem in new Orleans!" he said finally. he went on to explain about the vampire who ran the city who stopped witches form using magic and killed those who did, this ruthless vampire was a consequence of Klaus's stay there a hundred years ago; Marcelle. "my family has been able to use magic without him knowing for a very long time but last week he found out" Lewis stopped as his eyes started to water, he quickly whipped the tears "my grandmother is dead and if i returned so will i be" he said. "then its certain, we'll kill him!" Hannah said. "there's something else you should know" Lewis said.


Hannah couldn't believe it at first, a vampire werewolf child. Now as she faced Klaus in the street she still wasn't convinced, but Lewis seemed certain so she believed him. "you remember me?" Klaus asked. "yep" she replied simply and pushed herself of the wall. "how?" he asked. "i still had vervain in my system Klaus" she took a few steps towards him in her heels. he examined her Head to toe, "you've changed" he stated, "your not like the Hannah i remember". Hannah smiled, this was exactly what she hoped he would say; if Byron had tort her anything it was to be objective on a hunt, that's how he has able to kidnap her to get to Klaus. she needed to kill the vampire that ran this city and she wouldn't let any former feelings she had for Klaus get in the way.

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