Pure Flower

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Táchira POV

I was sitting in a room covered in white silk, head to toe. The church doesn't want anyone to see my face when villagers bow down to me asking for protection. I grant them protection, food, a place to stay for a while, and money. They have disasters accruing in their villages. It's horrible to see people without homes, food or money. I once had this old lady came in and asked for a place to stay and all of our rooms were full. I couldn't say no to her so I told her she could have my room until they have more rooms for people. After a while she was here she died. But it wasn't in my bed. It was in the bedroom we gave her. She was a nice old lady too.

Well I should start to introduce myself. I am Táchira. I wasn't born with a last name that I know of. I am pure, that's what the church calls me. I have white hair and violet eyes since I was a baby. I don't have any relatives. I ended up on the church's door step. One of the nuns said I looked to be a year old at that time. I came with a card and necklace but I can't get the card or necklace yet. I have to be 15 until I get them. One of the nun's said I could go out and explore the land but with someone close by. I didn't like the idea at all.

"Táchira, it's time for lunch" one of the nuns said. I nodded and stood up. I walked towards the door the nun was standing at. I walked past her and went up the stairs. "Táchira what are you doing?" The nun asked. "Um getting clothes on. I don't want to eat in this" I said and ran up the stairs while holding the silk so I don't step on it and fall.

I reached my room and closed the door. I slammed my door. I stripped the silk off me and went to my closet. "Why do you always seem to wake me up by slamming your door.. hm?" Jashon said coming in from my window. "Well you sleep all day. You just had to be awakened" I said and turning around to smiled at him. "Why aren't you fully dressed?" Jashon asked. "Because I just got out of that dreadful praying thing" I said. Jashon mouth made an "o" and plopped on my bed. I grabbed a pair of shorts and a long shelve shirt saying 'Don't talk to me'. "Nice shirt. Let's go down stairs" Jashon said. I laughed while getting dressed. I walked to my bed and picked Jashon up and took him downstairs with me.

I walked down the stairs into the dining area. I saw Father eating already. "Ah you decided to join me now?" The Father asked. I nodded and sat Jashon down on the chair beside me. "We'll be having some guest over. I want you on your best behavior" The Father said. I nodded again and starting eating my pasta and drank some juice. I looked over at Jashon while he drink his milk and ate fish.

After an hour of lunch I walked back to my room. I opened my door and Jashon was walking towards my bed. He jumped up by my laptop stand. I grabbed my laptop and sat on my bed. I reached for the remote to turned my T.V. on. NCIS came on and I watched it while I started writing my daily life on my laptop. "Do you know who is coming here?" Jashon asked. "Nope but I guess some people. I don't care really" I said " Jashon was climbing up in my lap. I started petting him and I laid down. "I just want to get some sleep before they come. I hate waking up early every effing day for praying" I said while closing my eyes. "Yeah, it does suck for you but I get to sleep in " Jashon said getting comfy on me and closed his eyes. I started to drift to sleep.

~4 hours later~

I woke up and saw Jashon on my side snoring. I laughed. I got up and looked at the time. 4:30pm. "Might as well get a shower before they come at 7" I said out loud. I walked to my bathroom and stripped out of my clothes. What I like about my body is that I have no hair on it. I grabbed my shampoo, conditioner and soap. I click my shower button on and stepped inside.

After I was done with my shower. I went into my closet and flipped the light switch on and grabbed underwear and a bra. I put them on and looked for my dress. It was long shelved dress but it stopped to my mid-thigh. The color of it was black and blue. I put it on and looked for shoes. I walked further down my closet and found black flats. I walked out and into my bathroom to blow dry my hair and curl it. I didn't need any make-up. The nuns and Father said I looked beautiful without any on but I would sneak make-up on and they wouldn't notice at all.

I sat on my bed to put my flats on. Jashon wasn't on my bed anymore. I sighed knowing he left before the church guards came up to get me. "Come on Táchira. People are here. Father wants you down now" Ken one of the body guards said and I sighed louder and they chuckled. I grabbed my glasses and put them on. I walked in front of Ken and walked down the stairs. I went to the ball room and so many people where there. I stopped dead in my tracks. "Táchira, there you are. Come, come. People are dying to meet you" Eliza the nun that raised me. She was like my mother I never had. "Okay" I said and followed her. "Táchira this is.." Eliza trailed on and I looked and met dark grey eyes staring at me. "Ah Hi.. " I trailed off because I didn't hear his name from Eliza. "Nash. My name is Nash" Nash said. "Hello Nash. Welcome to my home" I said quietly and softly. "Thank you for welcoming me in your home Táchira" Nash said. He grabbed me in for a hug. Nash smiled to me. I smiled back. "How are you enjoying yourself, Nash?" I asked. "I'm enjoying myself but I can't believe you grew up here. You should've been somewhere better" Nash said. "Why do you say that?" I asked. "No reason" He said and walked away.

~Nash's POV~

I was going to tell her she should've been raised at home but knowing she doesn't know I'm her brother yet. She just has to read the card and put the necklace on. When she does I'll be back to take her home with me. Then banish that dreadful stepmother that banished my sister, twin to be exact. Father didn't know she banished her. She told him a lie that someone kidnapped her. A maid, who stepmother told to take Táchira to the human world, she didn't want to but she had a plan and wrote on a piece of paper. She put it in a card and wrote wait until she's 15 and wrote her birthdate on it and gave her our mother's necklace.

She told me when I was 12 what happened. I was mad but she said I need to get her back. We don't look alike but she has everything of our mother and I have everything of our father. We have two other siblings. Both blood related and older. Gabe is the oldest, he's 18 and has a major crush on the new maid at the castle, Reina. She's around me and Táchira's age. Then there's Damien. He's only a year younger than Gabe. He didn't want to come tonight because he had to take care of some people. Oh and he's in a gang so no wonder he had to.

I was making my way towards Gabe. He was sitting down looking straight past me. I was in front of him. "That's her huh?" Gabe asked. I nodded. "Well one more month then she's coming home with us. I can't wait to see that bitch get banished. All she ever did was bring hurt in this family. I want mother back" Gabe said. "Me too, Grandpa hated mother and banished her when she was pregnant with us. Then told her she couldn't see her kids never again. But he died a year later. God I didn't miss him at all" I said. Gabe nodded. "Let's go before she throws a fit and make dad do something about it" Gabe said. I nodded and walked with him. 'We will have you sister' I thought to myself while walking towards the car.

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