Markimoo and Drunk Minecraft

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*Mark's POV*
"And I will see YOU in the next video, buh bye!" I finish my outro to my second video today and turned my webcam off. I had just finished playing Superhot.exe and I was in a good mood. Who knew shooting people in slow motion could be so much fun? The Beta is much better than the demo but I wish it had more content. Just as I started editing the video, my cellphone rang and I answered it quickly.
"Hello?" I say politely into the speaker. "Who is this?" I heard a dog barking in the background and then a familiar voice said;
"Hey Mark, it's Jeremy." I smiled and closed out of my editing program, making sure to save my progress.
"Oh hey Jeremy, what are you up to?" I ask. Jeremy is one of my good friends who I met in high school and we've kept in touch ever since.
"Um just a heads up about the Con, you know how you were supposed to do the panels with Jack and Felix?" He asks. I frown. I hope nothing's wrong.
"Yeah..." I say confused. "Is everything alright?" I ask.
"Yeah everyone's fine but Felix had a family emergency and he can't make it so someone's going to fill his booth and spot on the panel." I sigh in disappointment. I was really looking forward to see Pewds at the panels but I hope everything is okay with his family.
"Who's replacing Felix?" I ask curious as to who would fill Felix's spot.
"Um Avery Knight or as she's known on YouTube, AmazingAvery. She's a gamer/vlogger with about 4.5 million subscribers. She's really cool. You'll like her." Jeremy says easily. He sounded like he knows her personally which is kinda weird.
"So any other news for me Jeremy?" I ask quickly trying to change the subject.
"Nah that was it. I just wanted to give you a heads up that's all. Listen, I gotta go do some other stuff so I'll talk to later okay Mark?" He says.
"Okay thanks for the heads up. Talk to you later." I say and end the call. I log on to my channel and post the video I was editing earlier and looked up AmazingAvery in the search bar. About an hour later, I had watched a few of Avery's videos and I have to say, the girl's got talent and a good sense of humor. I subscribe to her channel and just as I'm about to log off YouTube, I see that she posted a new video called "Indy Pop Con!" I click on the video curiously, wondering if she knows that I'm doing the panels with her.
~time skip~
It was amusing to listen to Avery be all excited about the Con. It sounds like something she really wants to do and I'm looking forward to meeting her in person. She seemed very happy that she'll get to do panels with me and Jack. We're apparently her idols and it makes me happy that I make such a difference in people's lives. Absentmindedly, I  run my hand through my hair and spin around in my desk chair in complete boredom. Since I had already finished all my videos for the day, I strangely had a bunch of free time. I almost never have few time so it feels nice to be bored for a change. Randomly, I decided to Skype Bob and Wade to see if they wanted to play Drunk Minecraft for fun. Drunk Minecraft is a fun series to record but I didn't feel like actually recording episodes for it at the moment. They agreed and soon we were back playing the Hunger Games mod and I was killing EVERYONE and needless to say, winning.
"So you guys read for the Con?" I ask them since they'd be part of my panel like always.
"Heck yeah!" Wade exclaimed just as I stabbed his player in the back with an iron sword and was now robbing his dead body. "Hey! That was my diamond sword! I need that!" I laughed and made my character run off back into the woods to try to find Bob wherever he's hiding.
"Not anymore! It's my diamond sword now!" I cry as I catch a glimpse of Bob's character.
"You'll never catch me now Mark!" Bob yells. I chase his character through the woods and then finally realize I have a bow in my inventory. I then proceeded to shoot Bob in the head, thus winning another round.
"Oh come on! I was gonna win!" Bob complains. I laugh.
"Sure Bob, whatever helps you sleep at night. Oh guys I forgot to tell you, Felix won't be at the Con this year. He had a family emergency or something." I fill them in. Bob frowns and Wade makes some weird "aww" sound of disappointment.
"Too bad. Who's filling in?" Bob asks. I take another sip of beer before responding.
"Um a gamer/vlogger girl who goes by AmazingAvery." Wade's head snapped up and he was smiling. Creepy combination...
"AmazingAvery? Man that girl is funny! Kind of like that female version of Mark." I rose my eyebrows at his statement.
"Really Wade? The female version of me? I don't think so." Wade made a face.
"Dude, you guys are the same age, are both gamers, both have awesome hair, man I could go on for hours." I rolled my eyes.
"If you say so Wade." I guess I could see the similarities but I wouldn't say she was totally like me. "I'll be back in a minute. I have to get another beer." They both nodded and I walked over to my fridge. After grabbing another bottle of beer, I walk back over to my computer.
"Hey guys. I'm back. So, since Pewds won't be doing the panel with us, we'll have to change the panel "script" a bit." I comment taking another sip of beer.
"Yeah, I guess we're gonna have to do that..." Bob says. I yawned and looked at the clock. It was almost midnight.
"I had a ton of fun killing you guys over and over but I have to get to bed. I have to get up early tomorrow and I don't want to be dead." They nodded and said their goodbyes and goodnights. I ended the game and logged out of Minecraft, then shut down my computer. I changed into my Markiplier pajamas, I practically dove into my bed and fell asleep almost instantly.

Aloha! Amaryllis here and I hope you liked this chapter! I'm sorry if it sucked because I've never written in a guy's perspective before but I tried my best. The next chapter will be up in the next few days depending on my schedule but it will be back in Avery's POV. FYI I'm writing a new 5SOS fanfic called "Sam, Just Sam ~Adopted by 5SOS~" that will be up soon and I would appreciate it if you guys (and gals) checked that out too. That's all for now and I hope you guys have an AMAZING day and ioI will see you all in the next chapter!
Bye bye!
~Amaryllis 🌺

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2015 ⏰

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