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When I woke I was again in the med room causing me to groan slightly as I tried to get up only noticing as I pushed myself up on my hands something wasn't right, the room looked different brighter than before I looked down at my hands only to see two dark purple almost black paws with white spots causing me to look around again in fright as I caught a glimpse of myself in a small mirror.
No longer a pale kid with white and purple hair but a too large to be real panther like cat ( before you thing panthers aren't solid black they do have spots they are just close to the same colour) I raised one of my paws and the slowly put it back down, before standing on the bed and jumping to the floor only to hear something crash to the floor causing me to turn quickly to see the redhead in the doorway with a dropped tray in front of her.
"Professor you might want to get down here. " she said as she took her hand off a button on the wall causing me to growl at her as I walked closer only slipping a few times on the floor as I wasn't use it walking on all fours growling constantly cause it was frustrating the redhead just stayed in the doorway watching me as I began to pace the room wanting to know what happened.
"Jean you can calm down." Xavier said calmly as she moved out of the letting him and Logan in the room I turned quickly and caught Logan watching me in shock making me raise up slightly and growl at him.
"Prayer, I want you to stay calm as you can." Xavier said causing me to snap my head towards him stopping in front of him and sitting down licking my right paw and then rubbing it over my ear giving them all a bored look.
"It seems your powers are fully matured meaning you should be able to change at will into this form once you figure it out and no before you even think it, I cant tell you how to change back they are your powers you'll have to figure it out, and Logan please don't bother her too much." Xavier said softly before leaving causing me to roll my eyes at Logan who was sitting in the closest chair causing me to give him a very cat like smile as I walked up to him and rubbed my head against his leg again before biting his pant leg and pulling it towards the door causing him it sigh before getting up and walking towards the door where Jean/redhead was standing with a small smile.
"At least she isn't attacking you Logan." Jean said with a laugh as Logan grunted causing me to headbutt his lower back causing him to turn around and glare at me.
"Go I'm not stopping you." He said causing me to growl at him before walking past him making sure I hit him with my tail before taking off down the hall and pushing the elevator button with my nose then sitting to wait for it as it opened the blue guy was in it and just stood straight and watched me as I walked in and tilted my head at him waiting for him to leave the doors closed causing me to shake my head and move to the buttons hitting the main floor one and sitting calmly watching the blue guy as he watched me with interest causing me to growl at him as the door opened and I walked out and down the halls to the kitchen following my nose.
'Hmm now how am I going to get something to eat.' I thought as I came in the room only to hear several yells of surprise causing me to let out a loud growl before quickly making my way over to Storm as she came in from another door, she just gasped before kneeling down in front of me and held her hand out causing me to rub my head against it making her smile.
"The Professor already told me, Prayer I just didn't think you would be so beautiful. "She said as she scratched behind my ears causing me to purr.
"Storm did you just call that thing Prayer as in Kitty's roommate Prayer?" One of the boys in the room asked causing me to turn around and growl at them making more people come into the room.
"Bobby don't call her a thing and yes this is Prayer her powers evolved allowing her to take this form, she just hasn't figured out or doesn't want to turn back." She said as Bobby nodded and looked at me with a smirk causing me to growl lightly only to be tackled to the floor causing me to yelp out in shock as the person hugged me tightly.
"OMG Your So Cute!" Kitty squealed causing me to whine as it hurt my ears making her let go and pat my head.
"I'm sorry did I hurt your ears, o.m.g your fur is so pretty!" She said just as hyper just not loud causing me to groan before walking away from her and over to Storm as she was getting a bowl down making me tilt my head as I watched her pour milk into it before placing it onto the floor in front of me causing me to growl.
"Well its milk or water, because I'm not giving you pop while your in this form." Storm said before petting my head and walking away causing me to sigh as I pushed the bowl with my large paws so that it was closer to me before I drank the milk, once it was gone I yawned and looked around the room.
Bobby and Kitty were still there and I guess while I ignored the Rouge, and two new boys came in one was from before in the office and the other was blue with a tail causing me to tilt my head as I watched his tail causing Kitty to giggle and whisper something into the boys ear causing him it turn and look at me giving me a smile causing me to roll my eyes before stretching and walking away causing Kitty to laugh.
As I made it up stairs and into the rec room I noticed that Kitty and her friends were following making me shake my head as I jumped onto the nearest couch which Warren was sitting on reading a book causing him to jump slightly and drop his book.
"Hello Prayer." He said as he petted my head causing me to tilt it more, so he scratched my ear.

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