Chapter4: The Night He Forgot

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{Mitch's POV}

I groaned when I woke up. I felt like I could puke.

I shifted in the bed- wait.. bed? I don't remember going home..

I sat up and held my head and opened my eyes. They turned into the size of saucers when I saw myself.

I wrapped part of the blanket around me and they widened more if possible.

This isn't my bed, or my room! I looked beside me to see a silhouette under the blankets.

I slowley moved it from their face and screamed and fell out of the bed. I whimpered and held my head again.

Then he groaned when he woke up. Sitting up.

"What the hell are you doing?", Mr.Aceti mumbled ,"screaming at 7'clock in the morning on a weekend"!?

I looked at him and glared. Sitting back in the bed. But only to cover myself up.

"What the hell am I doing waking up naked in your bed"!?

He grinned and shrugged.

"You asked for it when you were off you rocker drunk last night"he mumbled.

My cheeks flushed deeply and I laid back down. It was really cold in this room.

"D-Did we-"

"Yep. Good job Mitch. You lost your virginity to your perverted teacher. You should be happy"he smiled.

I hid under the covers. Which I immediately regretted.

I popped just my eyes back out. My cheeks were more flushed.

My ass, back and hips were hurting like hell. That and my head was killing me.

I sat up again and looked at him. H glanced at me.


I looked away and leaned against the head board.

"Nothing"I mumbled.

I squeaked when my arm got tugged roughly and he pulled me in his chest when he made me lay back down. He held me super close and super tight.

"Wah! Let go! We're both-"

"Oh hush. I'm jot gonna do anything. Just calm down and go back to sleep. Maybe you'll feel better after more rest".

I nodded a little and snuggled my head in his neck and fell asleep.

"Jerome~ I wanna see what your place looks like"I groaned.

He smiled at me and petted my head. Making me smile and giggle. He picked me up bridal and paid for the drinks. Then we left the bar. Oops. Forgot to tell Adam and Ty. Oh well. He carried me to a car and put me in the passenger seat. Buckling me up. Then he got in and we drove off. When we arrived, he picked me up again and carried me in the house. Laying me on the couch. He went to leave my side, but I grabbed the tie from his suit and pulled him down. Slamming his lips on mine. He smirked and sat beside me. Causing me to sit up. We made out there for a bit then and he picked me up. Carrying me upstairs and in a bedroom. I guess his. He laid me down and crawled on top tugging off my shirt as I tugged off his. Then I slipped off his belt. Pulling his pants down. Then he pulled off mine. Then we made out for a little bit more.

'This sure is escalating quickly'.

Or so I thought.

My eyes bursted open and widened. And I sat quickly. He sat up as well when I woke up up.

"You okay Mitch?"he mumbled.

I looked over at him and my cheeks flushed.

I laid back down and nodded. Cuddling with him again and we both fell back asleep.

I can't tell him I remembered. Or that I liked it.

(Sorry that it was so short. I'm tired and it's 1'clock in the morning for me. I wanted to make a quick new chapter again for today to make up for the VERY long wait you guys had for this book. Thanks guys for those who stuck around and waited. Means alot. Luv y'all. *chu* See u tomorrow)

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