The Cult Life-Chapter 1

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Nobody's POV

"The danger of the impurities is threatening our peace again my dear friends, our two most prized gems the twins Jezyca and Thiara are being watched from the outside, young men, not fit for our way of life. We must prevent any contact. They are both almost sixteen therefore we must not allow them out of our sights until they are married and dedicated to the cult" The cult members sat silently, not daring to speak. Ibrahim stood above them, flouncing his power and putting them all in their place.

An older member of the cult ministers spoke up after this.

"I suggest we create a barrier, to stop them from leaving and stop these boys or any other impurities that may be of any slight threat to us. A wall would not protect us from man's forces, I suggest we call upon the magical ones we trust to build us an enchanted barrier"

"An excellent idea Delaney, it is decided. Anybody with an objection?" questioned Ibrahim. Not one single member moved and a deathly silence fell across the room. Nobody would dare speak a word against their almighty cult leader. Making the decision final and to be put into force by morning. The gathering was over.

The two young ladies were soon to turn 16, they lived confined to the vale of their cult. Shortly they would never be allowed to leave, they would be marked and married, living in silence and solitude, not having an opinion. Jezyca and Thiara were born into the cult, they were brought up as cult children and were never seen separated never allowed to cross the border, forbidden by their parents. Thay grew up with little contact to boys only other girls. They both dreamed of being free, what it would be like to have a normal family. Not that they knew what normal was. The cult never let them see the lives of the impurities as they did not want them to influence anybody within their civilisation . Life was twisted for the women of the cult, filled with rules and religion that restrained them. If a female broke one of the cult's laws the punishments were fatal, most women were maimed and some put to death.

The laws were what the cult members swore by, if broken the consequences were unthinkable, especially for the women. Just like Christians have the Ten Commandments the Black Sun cult have the the Unbreakables:

Unbreakable 1: No fraternising with any impurity or member that is not approved by the cult.

Unbreakable 2: All women must bear at least one male child to become a future cult minister.

Unbreakable 3:All marriages must be authorised by the cult, or chosen by the cult ministers.

Unbreakable 4:All women must swear to purity till marriage (no sex) anyone who disobeys this rule will be shunned and their marriage rights will be down graded.

Unbreakable 5: At sunrise and sunset every day all cult members without fail must pray to the Black Sun.

Unbreakable 6: All men and women must wear the red garments given to them on their sixteenth year of life.

Unbreakable 7: Cult members must not worship anything but the Black Sun.

Unbreakable 8: Possessing items from the Impurity cultures that have not been authorised by the cult is punishable by death

Unbreakable 9: All women must be married and dedicated to the cult by their sixteenth year of life.

Unbreakable 10: Everybody of the male gender must become cult ministers. NO exceptions

Any women that break the law, whether they are married and have families or not can be used as sex slaves for the minister and in worse cases will be punished by death. However, any men that break the law will face a maximum sentence of 1 year imprisonment or will be stripped of any titles that they may have earned within the cult.

As you can see, these two young girls reaching adulthood had an unthinkably strict, hard life ahead of them. One that would never get any easier. With the cult watching them 24/7, as their sixteenth birthday which was in a matter of weeks drew ever closer, they had no chance. The enchanted wall was just another restriction that was not going to help their constant struggle to escape cult life.

Ibrahim's POV

I had been observing Jezyca and Thiara all week now as they were the next cult girls to turn sixteen meaning I had to find a cult minister for them to marry. I had been contemplating this for a long time, ever since they first showed promise in their early years, and I still had not found 2 men that would be perfect for them. Snapping myself out of my thoughts I returned my attention to The Looking font. It was used so that I could follow any cult member making sure that they followed all laws and was perfect for me to watch the girls. 

Jezyca and Thiara were dangling their dainty toes in the river, laughing and singing. A skill they showed much talent in. They may be twins but everything about them was polar opposite to the other. Although, a keen eye could see they shared some facial features. Jezyca had long, golden curls that fell down to her hips whereas Thiara had the same length and colour hair only it was incredibly straight. Both girls had large blue eyes, plump lips and round yet very defined face shapes. Both of them skinny and medium height. They radiated beauty, making them our two most precious girls, and most wanted as well.

Little diamonds sparkling in the sun, I sighed at the sight of them both. So beautiful. Then, the waters of The Looking Font were disturbed, I turned my attention to the other side of the trees past the river. Three of the 5 boys I have seen previously. My eyes narrowed, the barrier would have to be put in place as soon as possible.



Tara- So guys I hope you're liking this so far, its different right? This was a real joint effort, and runs off the base of a dream I once had, changed slightly!! How cool! I mean it guys your reads/comments/votes mean the world to both of us! We'll update as soon as we can, we have already started the next chapter! MWAH <3

 Jess- I second that Tara. Apart from Tara missed out the detail that it was a dream about this guy called Paddy that she sat next to in maths. I thinks she has a little crush bless her.  This is hopefully going to be a interesting fanfiction. Neither of us have seen anything like it before so we hope it is going to be something new that people will enjoy. We hope this one goes far. Love if you could Fan/Comment/Vote. Love you all. Big Love <3 <3 <3 xxx

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