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"Ugh, slow down!"

James turned, pinching his lips "If you don't start picking up the pace, I'm just going to leave you behind."

Anders smiled tightly "like you would ever leave behind your little brother." He stated, jogging up next to him.

James sighed, exasperated, and continued on the trek through the grassy fields. Anders smiled to himself though he was a nervous wreck on the inside. He was the worrywart of his family, always worrying over every little thing. He looked up to examine his elder brother, to keep his mind off dangers to worry about. James was handsome with a broad chin and intense eyes. He was more hard muscled and taller, darker hair. He scowled a lot though, which made him less good looking.

"We should try to find a good camp site for tonight." James muttered, gripping the backpack handle strung around his arm.

"Yeah, but not out here. In the open." Anders noted, trying to sound smart.

James looked at him like he was stupid. Immediately Anders blushed with embarrassment. Of course James wouldn't make them a camp out in the open. But James said nothing, only continuing to walk with long strides. Anders tried to copy his walk.

"Anders, I know you think your helping with your dumb little suggestions, but your not." James snapped.

Anders frowned "my suggestions aren't dumb."

"Yes, they kind of are."

Anders didn't reply. James always acted superior and braver then he was, the tough guy. He always thought he was smarter than Anders, which sometimes he was, but that didn't mean Anders always had to act like the weak one.

"Look, I'm just trying to tell you nicely. If you don't want to get caught by Institute A, then just let me be the leader, okay?" James said softly.

Anders nodded, squinting up at the sky. Thick white clouds were spread out here and there, sunlight pouring through the cracks. It was fairly hot outside, with a light breeze drifting through here and there.

"How close are we to the river?" Anders asked, suddenly anxious. The river was a jagged deep pit, with a thick layer of rushing water. The rocks were sharp and poked out of the foam. It was the best place to cross, since the other side was unable to be entered by Institute A.

"I don't know. I'm not in the mood for questions." James snapped.

"Okay! Okay,geez." Anders muttered.

James was definitely nervous. Anders could tell. He wouldn't admit it though. James was too full of himself. He was probably worried about the Institute A finding them, mom and dad in the reboot camp, finding the rebellion. Anders was worried about that too.

Soon, Anders could hear the faint rush of water in the distance. Anders tried to calm his beating heart, trying to focus on anything else but the river.

"We'll be by the mouth in about five minutes or so, depending on how fast we can get there. Then we can set up nearby, gather supplies. We can cross tomorrow." James ordered calmly.

"We're crossing the river?! James, that's a suicide mission!" Anders cried, grabbing his arm to stop him.

James whipped around, pulling away and shoving Anders a little "you think we have a choice!?" James yelled. "The reboot camp is on the other side of the river, where Institute A cant get to! It's the only way to find mom and dad, Anders!!"

Anders scowled "James, I'm not stupid, I know the reboot camp is over there! But, this is-is just reckless!"

James glared, and grunted angrily. He turned away staring intensely at his feet. The two stood in silence. Anders hated fighting, but he couldn't just risk his life like this.

"Look James, there must be some other way to get there." Anders said quietly.

James bared his teeth "you know NOTHING Anders! This is the only way. Your either coming with me, or I will leave you this time!" James snapped hotly.

Anders knew he meant it. James was staring at him fiercely, clearly torn in half by all the worry. Sometimes Anders wished he was eldest, but now Anders didn't. He couldn't imagine the amount of pressure on James, to keep himself and Anders alive. Anders stared back at his brother, the anger quickly draining from his body. Anders sighed.

"I'll go with you." He said.

James nodded, still looking a little annoyed. But he continue on walking in the direction if the river.

"Let's hope we survive." Anders muttered to himself.l


Anders could not sleep. The sound of the river pounded his ears, and his brothers snoring just added to the noise. Plus, the thought of actually jumping over the river scared him to death. Only someone who wanted to die would ever try crossing that. Anders sighed, trying to make the hard grass he was sleeping on comfortable. He couldn't see how James could sleep do easily and calmly, but then James never really was moved by anything.

"James?" Anders asked. James didn't respond. "James!" He said louder. The rush if water drowned out his voice. "JAMES!" Anders yelled.

James sat up suddenly, eyes wide and hair disheveled. He looked confused for a minute and then irritated.

"What the heck, Anders!" He shouted.

Anders frowned "can't we move to a more comfortable and quiet area to rest?"

"Oh, I'm sorry I couldn't rent us a five star hotel. Deal with it!" James said loudly, flopping back down onto the ground.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2013 ⏰

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