Chapter 16

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Jc and I spent the rest of the afternoon watching movies and cuddling. Kian was there for the first half of the first movie but he left without telling us where he was going. When everyone else got home they sat down and watched with us. After a while everyone got really tired so we decied to go to bed. Kian and Sam wanted to drive us to LA tomorrow to spend the day there. Jc and I went into our room and layed down. He wrapped his arms around me and placed a kiss on my forehead. Almost imediantly he fell asleep. For some reason I just couldn't fall asleep. I decided to go and sit on sam's patio in his backyard to clear my thoughts. It was pretty dark out there put I could see enough to sit down.

" Hey! Who's there? "- a voice said from across the patio.

" Tori! Who are you? "

" Oh Tori! You scared me. It's just Sam. "

" Couldn't sleep either? "

" Nope "

" Well now you can keep me company "

" My pleasure "

We sat out there for hours just talking about life and all the little things. Then the conversation died out and we just sat there in silence.

" Hey Tori? "

" Yeah? "

" Can I tell you a secret? "

" Sure sammy. Anything "

" Okay. Did you notice that Kian was acting weird today? "

" Yes! What is up with him?? "

" He likes you. A lot. Like a whole lot. And it just breaks his heart to see you with Jc. Because you guys are so happy and he just wants something special like that... "

" Oh. "- is all I could bring myself to say

" He's a good guy Tori. I just feel so bad for him. "

" I feel bad too. But it's not my fault I love Jc. I think of Kian as a brother. "

" That's what he was afraid of. And he knows he could never hurt Jc. "

" I could talk to him "

" No. I think it's best you don't talk to him for awhile. He just needs to get himselft together, ya know? "

" Yeah. I understand. "

" Okay well I'm gonna try and sleep again. I'll see you tomorrow. "

" Okay. Goodnight Sammy! "

" Night. "

He gave me a big hug and went back inside. I didn't really feel like sleeping. I know Sam told me not too but I wanted to talk to Kian.

Me- You up?

KIKI :D- I'm always up for you. Everything okay?

Me- We need to talk.

KIKI :D- Oh. Have you been talking to Sam?

Me- Yes...

KIKI :D- Well you don't have to say anything. I'm trying my best not to like you okay. I wouldn't ever want to hurt Jc. He's my brother. I just need time

Me- Kian, you know its not like that. Of corse I care about you. But I love Jc. And who knows maybe it would be different if I wasn't with him

KIKI :D- Really?

Me- Of corse. You're an amazing person kiki :P

KIKI :D- Oh dear. Don't call me that

Me- I'll call you whatever I want

KIKI :D- Okay, but only you! Nobody else.

Me- YAY! :)

KIKI :D- Well as much as I would love to talk to you all night I'm about to pass out so GOODNIGHT :DDD

Me- Nighty Night :)

I decided I sould get some sleep too so I went back upstairs. Jc was still sleeping. He was curled up in a little ball on the edge of the bed.

" Jc! Jc! Wake up "

" Huh? What? What's going on? "

" Scoot over I want to snuggle "

He strainted out and opened up his arms for me to climb into. Then we slept.

When I woke up Jc was gone. I walked downstairs and found Jc, Kian, Sam, and Ricky watching cartoons in the living room. So much for being "men."

" Goodmorning sleepy head "- Jc said when he saw me comming down the stairs

" We thought you'd never wake up! "- Kian said with a super goofy smile

" Where's connor and Ricardo? "

" Still sleeping ", said Ricky looking pretty sleepy himself

" You better get dressed soon. We have a surprize for you. "

" A SURPRIZE??!!??!! "


An Unexpected Love Story(staring Jc Caylen)Where stories live. Discover now