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A cold wind swept across the land. With it carried new smells and sounds. The sounds of screams, the smells of death. Flames roared through the village, unwaivering as they took everything from the fearful clan it terrorized. Why was this happening? What was going on?

Those who were lucky enough to die quickly were tossed into a pile of bodies, and set aflame. The scent of burning scales and flesh hung in the air as the cold wind swept it away. If only that wind could keep the scent out of the air. Others, the ones that hadnt been killed yet were taken into the middle of the village and murdered like wild game.

The flames burned my scales, as I hid in the root system of a dying tree. My paws shuddering wildy, not from the cold but from fear. I.......I couldnt look away. Why can't I look away. My right forepaw was bleeding lightly from a wound I dont remeber taking. The blood running down my arm to form a red stain in the white snow below me.

All I could smell was burning flesh........death. All I could hear was screaming. I.......I couldn't stop listening.......I couldn't get the smells or sounds out of my head no matter how hard I tried. Why was this happening to us? What did we do?

My shuddering body was frozen as i watched a young dragonet, a female my age get taken into the center of our village. The dragon carrying her in his muzzle as she kicked and screamed loudly. Her attempts of escape were left useless, as the dragon carrying her bit down onto her neck. From my hiding spot, I could hear her as her screams went silent, only to be replaced with a loud snap. With a satisfied huff, he tossed her onto the burning pile of dead bodies. The flames immediatedly growing hotter against my scales.

"Stoooooop......." I muttered with a shaking voice. Tears beginning to run down my muzzle.

"Make it stooooooooppp." I cry managing to close my eyes, my muzzle dropping to the ground. I brought my paws over my head to try and block out some of the screams, but to no avial.



My eyes flew open as I woke with a jump. Above me stood a silver female with green stripes on her ears. Her worried look quickly brought me out of the horrid dream I had been in.

"Sora!" I say with a smile. Man, was I glad to see her.

"Are.......are you ok Alt? You were having one crazy dream." She asked. I quickly nodded and smiled.

"Didn't even know I fell asleep." I laughed nervously. I could still feel the sweat on myself as I smiled at her.

"You know you haven't been sleeping well lately Altair, you were bound to pass out sooner or later." She sighed as she lay on her back with her head next to mine. She was right, but wrong at the same time. I never wss able to get a whole lot of good sleep in the first place, but Sora always tried to look out for my well being. She was like that with everyone in our group.

Sora was the kind if dragon all the males want, but knew they couldnt get. She wasnt into brains, or bronze. She was into a dragon who was himself, and no one else. Not going to lie, ive had a crush on her for as long as I could remeber. Hey, dont judge! She was the mother of our group you could say. The 16 year old daughter of the earth elemental gaurdian, Treo. What are elemental gaurdians you ask? Well ill get into them a little later, for noe, can we stay on the story please?

Where were we? Oh yeah, Sora. She was an earth elemental type, and had the strength to show for it. Too bad she never liked using it. Instead she aimed to work in the medical field. Specificly the field of healing magic. She was a rare dime of a dozen. One that is truly hard to explain through proper words.

"So, what were you doing in the middle of a field sleeping?" She asked.

"Well, I was watching the clouds." I replied with a chuckle.

"Whats up with lightning elements and clouds?" she sighed. I could only laugh in reply. She had a good point though. Every lightning elemental ive met, myself included, loved staring at the sky. Not sure why honestly

"So, where are Burner and Vale?" She asked with a sigh.

"Take a guess." I replied.

"Well, hopefully we can catch en on the way to school. There always late. I swear, Vale isnt going to pass if he keeps showing up late." Sora stated as she stood.

"Yeah, I don't think he gets that, also, can you help me up?" I replied holding out my paw.

"Youve got four legs last time I checked." She snuffed.

"Last time you checked i wasn't being LAZY!!!" I replied with a yowl. She smiled and took my paw, rolling me to my paws.

"We better move if were going to get to class." She said taking to the air. I nodded and quickly followed.

"That is if Vale isn't planning another one of his "elaborate" pranks." Sora laughed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2015 ⏰

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