Commando App

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Jasmyn's POV

"Ok guys. You have been trained for all kinds of missions , but you're about to enter a soul-bruising , confidence-crushing , apocalyptic environment. High school." I roll my eyes at Davenport. "Adam , Bree your glitch test results are fairly stable." "Yes! I'm going to school." "I'm fairly stable!" Bree and Adam reply happily. "But , Chase , I'm still concerned about your commando app." Davenport says. Leo and I make disgusted faces. "Commando app? Put on some underpants. We're going to school." Leo says. I just nod. "No , see in the face of an imminent threat Chase's commando app kicks in , and he becomes a fearless brute I like to call Spike." Leo and I smile with excitement.

"It's kinda like a fight-or-flight thing , except I took out the flight part , 'cause useless , and I replaced it with a testosterone level of like a Tasmanian-devil-wolverine-shark-lion hybrid that's mad." Davenport explains further. "Dont worry Mr. Davenport. I promise that Spike won't rear his ugly head." Chase promises." Oh , Yeah? You mean like last Christmas when I made the mistake of giving Adam boxing gloves?" They all look up in memory. Adam then shakes his head. "Ughh , I'm still coughing up tensile." He then sigh and rubs his belly. "You know , letting Chase go to school isn't such a good idea. I can't risk spike coming out." Davenport says while walking over to his computer. I felt pretty bad for Chase right now."Aww , come on Big D." Leo begins while following him. "Chase has to come. With these guys I'll finally get a prime spot in the cafeteria." He nods at Adam , Bree , and Chase. "Thats right y'all. Put on your coats , 'cause I'm about to ride your tails!" Leo finishes while doing a horse back riding motion.

"Dont worry. We'll make sure he stays out of trouble. Right guys?" Adam says. "Definitely." I say. "Yeah, it's all for one , and one for all. Unless , of course , you guys make me look bad , in which case , I am dropping you lamoes." Bree says pointing at Adam , Chase , and Leo. Chase steps towards Mr. Davenport. " Mr.Davenport , I can't miss school. This is the beginning of my academic achievements and career trajectory. I mean the road to astronaut lawyer has to start somewhere."

Davenport nods." Ok , but I better not get a call from the art teacher saying Spike ripped out her larynx." We all laugh a little. "Actually , she wouldn't be able to say anything , because spike ripped out her lar- look the point isjust keep him out of trouble." Davenport finishes. Adam then walks toward Davenport saying , "Hey , look what I found." He then starts boxing with the air and accidentally hits Chase in the stomach. He pushes Bree in front of him. Davenport looks at him with a shocked look. "Look , I'm sorry , but if he's that close to the gloves it's gonna happen." He then punches the air again for effect.


Once we walk into the school , I pull Bree to the side. "Okay , I want to give you something so you'll remember your first day of school." I then hand her half of a bff necklace I bought. She jumps up in joy and starts smiling. "THANK YOU SO MUCH! I couldn't ask for a better friend." She hugs me , and we catch up to the others. We eneter the cafeteria. "Okay , you guys. That's principal Perry." I say once we enter the cafeteria. "She has a temperament of a junkyard dog stuffed into a really bad pantsuit." Leo adds. "HEY , YOU! NO TONGUE RINGS AT SCHOOL! DONT TRY TO HIDE IT. I WILL TAKE A METAL DETECTOR TO YOUR FACE!" She walks off going towards the guy with the tongue ring.

We see a guy walking towards us. "This is it. My chance at romance. On tv, the new girl always drops her books , and the cute guy with the soulful eyes picks them up." Bree drops her books , and the "cute" guy turns the other way. A teacher , who should've been watching where he was walking , tripped and fell from Bree's books. We all cringe. "Sorry. I'm new." "I'll be back I have to go to the restroom." I say.


When I get back , I see Chase holding Trent against the table. "I'M GONNA RIP OUT YOUR KNEE CAPS AND USE THEM AS HOCKEY PUCKS!" I'm gonna assume that's Spike. I walk over to where they are. I stand next to Bree and Leo. Adam gets up too and trips over almost everything. I chuckle a little. He stables himself ," Okay , I don't mean to alarm anyone , but I think Spike's back ." Chase , I mean Spike throws Trent towards the other football players. "You have no idea who you're messing with. Okay. PUDDING CUPS!" Trent says. Two nerds show up and hands Trent the pudding. Spike grabs the pudding ,"Ohh , I'll take those." "Hey!" He then pops the pudding cups on Trent and his team. I put my hand over my mouth in shock. "OHHHH!" Trent says wiping his face. "YOU'RE DEAD!!" Spike roars in response. The football players back up hastily.

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