Invisible to the World

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I wake up slowly, giving a quiet yawn and slowly rise out of my sleeping bag. As I begin to think clearly again I snap to being fully alert, knowing if I make a careless mistake, I'll have to move out of my current 'home'. By 'home', I mean an old, mostly empty storage warehouse, the owners of which had apparently moved out of and forgotten about. "Their loss" I think, looking at the boxes and various containers that have who-knows-what in them. I scratch my head, untangling my long brown hair with my fingers. I might not be a "girly" girl but I still have to look respectable- don't I? I've only been here for a week or so but I haven't been able to get a good look at everything.. I might have a look around now.

. . .

After I look in almost every box I decide I'm not going to find anything and give up. I start getting ready to leave the warehouse, I comb my hair, attach my sleeping bag to my backpack and erase all traces of my presence here. I walk out, making sure I'm not seen and walk to the nearest bus stop. I fiddle with my bracelet as I walk. It was important to me and the only thing I have left of my first adoptive parents- they had been the only ones that actually cared about me. They gave it to me before they moved to Europe, I wasn't allowed to go for some reason or other and I'd been sent back into 'the system'. They'd told me to keep it, told me it'll lead me to happiness. The bracelet was unique, it was essentially a good-fitting string with small, hand carved wooden cubes on it. On each cube all of the faces are blank except for one, which has a letter on it. When all of them are facing up they spell 'Dream'. Social Services, they said they cared about me, they'd take care of me. They don't care. To them, to the world, I don't matter. To them, I am invisible.

I finally get to the bus stop and walk into a near-by alleyway. I flip the cubes so that the letters all face up and count to 5, my eyes closed. I open my eyes and find the world around me is a little warped, and I know I am invisible to the world. I sneak onto the bus unseen and unheard and sit on the edge of a seat in the front, ready to move at a moments notice. When you're invisible and sitting on a bus, it isn't unheard of to be almost-sat-on. I sit on the bus, minding my own business and I see a teenager in the very back, looking around. In two words, I'd describe him as mysterious and gorgeous. He's dressed all in black and has long, messy raven black hair that reaches the base of his neck and falls into his deep onyx eyes. His skin was pale, beautifully contrasting his hair, eyes and clothes. He's sitting casually and seems bored, he's fiddling with something on his wrist. There aren't many people on the bus aside from him and myself. There's a student on her way to school, a nervous-looking young man on his way to what I think might be a job interview, and so on. For some reason though, the boy in the back snatches my attention, and as I think this his gaze lands on me and stops. My eyes widen in panic- "Has he seen me? Has my bracelet broken?" I wonder to myself as I watch him slowly straighten up and narrow his eyes, he's now staring intently at me. In my head I furiously deny that it is possible for him to have seen me and turn around, I will ignore him, I decide.

Invisible to the WorldWhere stories live. Discover now