The Fake LoveLetter ♥

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Hey guys!

First attempt at making a story, so don't judge too hard. haha. this is going to be a story with alot of twists and turns. So prepare (A)

Have fun! (and don't forget to vote/comment!)



“Happy Birthday Ashlynn!”

I winced as Caleigh came through the door and gave me a kiss on my cheek. I eyed her nervously. What would it be this time? It can’t be worse than last year, but still it was Caleigh we were talking about.

“I’ve got you a little present, you birthday girl” Caleigh smiled. Gosh, she could smile so innocently when she wanted to but I know better. I know this is just an act.

She handed me a box wrapped with pink paper. It almost seemed like she was a true friend. I put the box on the table. The table was already covered with plastic, as I knew Caleigh was coming over for my birthday.

Wrapping paper can’t be bad, I thought. So I started unwrapping the box, still paranoid something was going to happen.

It revealed a grey box entirely taped with duck tape. It was gonna take hours just to remove all the tape.

“Caileigh, you just had to do it, didn’t you” I groaned. 

She flicked her blonde hair and smiled. It almost looked like she was proud to tease me. But then again, she probably was.

“Just open it, silly” she said. “I didn’t spend all that time on it when I would have known you aren’t gonna open it” She was still smiling but I saw the flicker of anger and slyness in her eyes. I look I’ve seen every year.

Without saying word, I went to get a scissor and continued opening the present.

When I finally had all the tape removed, I gulped. The duck tape would be nothing in compare to what I was going to see when I opened the box. One peek at Caleigh showed me I had to or else…

Slowly folding over one side, I smelled a rancid smell. Of course it came from the box. Opening the other side I took a quick peek in the box. I started gagging.

Caleigh had put in manure mixed with water and Christmas decorations. The combination of the smell and the sight of the present ruined my appetite. No more birthday cake for me today.

Caleigh started laughing.

“your present is at the bottom of the box. Go dig for it!”

I looked in the box. Did I need to put my hands in the manure. She must be crazy.

“Ashlynn..” her eyes turned to slits. “Do it. Now”

Terrified of what she might do, I slowly put my hands inside. OMG it was so gross.

You could feel it was fluid but the Christmas decoration was slipping through my fingers and tiny bits that weren’t dissolved in the water would stick to my hand. Disgusted I pulled up.

It was completely covered in greenish-brown crap and everything would drop down and seep downwards to my elbow.

Why did I do this again?

“Did you get it?” Caleigh was still glaring at me. “No? Than get back in!”

Oh right that’s why.

Sighing I put my hand back in, trying to ignore just how grimy it felt. I wasn’t doing a very good job.

Searching over the bottom of the box, I couldn’t find anything.

“Caleigh?” Gosh I hated how insecure I sounded around her. “You sure there’s anything in it?”

She had put her ‘angelic’ face up again. “Of course honey. Just keep looking”

After a lot of searching and finding nothing, I finally felt a tiny thing in the corner. Tugging at it and bringing it up from the grime, I looked at it. It was a tiny package, also wrapped in ducktape.

I grabbed the scissors again and cut it open. It revealed a tiny magnet in the form of a smiley.

“Well, you’ve found your present. I’ll be going now, have a nice birthday.” And with those words she left.

I can’t believe she got me a fricking magnet. One of the kind that you can find for 20 cents. Tears were forming in my eyes. Did I go through all that trouble for nothing?

I walked upstairs to go for a shower. In the bathroom I looked in the mirror. I saw a girl with brown wavy hair and brown sad eyes. A girl with slim features and a sweet smile. A girl that even could be pretty if she wasn’t so insecure. A girl that was covered in grime on her birthday.

The girl was pathetic.

The girl was me.

I stepped into the shower to try to wash all the grime and sadness. The warm rays of the shower made me feel somewhat better. It also helped me think.

I tried to figure out why Caleigh always does things like this, but I couldn’t think of an answer. This has been the fourth time she did this of my birthday. Last year she had given me a cube of frozen tomato juice mixed with syrup. The year before she had given me a dirty baby diaper with 5 cents in it and it was probably never going to stop.

Never unless I would do something about it.

I made up my mind and stepped out of the shower.  I still saw the girl with the brown hair in the mirror but this time she had her head held high and a look of confidence on her face. This year it’s gonna be all different.

“You better watch your back Caleigh” I growled to the image in the mirror “cause Ashlynn is out to get ya and it gonna get nasty.”

I smiled an evil smile and walked out the bathroom ready to make some preparations.


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Love Lisa

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