- Prologue

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This book is based off of the song Sailing by Rod Stewart! Get the song and listen to it on repeat to fully understand this book!

I could hear the crunch of metal from where I stood, it echoed through me like a wave of heavy metal music.

"Mum!" I scream, running down the driveway and around the corner.

I stop in my tracks, my mum's car was like a sandwich, it was crunched up and compacted. Metal twisted in every direction.

"Mum!" I scream, running over to her car. It barely looked like a car.

The driver's side window was smashed, and my mum was bleeding. I look around and see bystanders looking at the accident.

"Someone call for help. Please!" I scream at them, hoping that they'd help me.

One bystander came rushing forward, with a bag in his hand. He looked at me then at my mum, who was trapped in her car.

"I'm a doctor my name is Ethan Sims, what's her name?" He questions me, I brush my hands through my hair.

"Julie Waverley, she's my mother." I say, as camly as I can manage.

"I've heard of her, some of my nurses say she's the best nurse to work with." Ethan says, checking to see if she alive.

In the distance, I could hear sirens. I blink back tears.

"Can you hand me that neck collar, I need to elevate her head." Ethan says, pointing to the next collar in his now open bag.

"What happened?" Someone questions, I turn and look at the person who spoke and saw that it was one of my mother's friends Christina Seller.

"My mum, she's trapped in the car. Please save her, she my everything." I say, tears falling from my eyes.

"We'll do our best." Christina says, motioning for the other paramedic to come over.

After that, it was a whirlwind of firefighters, paramedics and police officers. I was pushed back into the crowd of bystanders. I watched on as they pulled my mum from the car and took her away in the ambulance.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone cine stand beside me.

"I'm guessing your the one who called for help." I say, the guy looked at my tear stained face, he nodded his head.

"I'm Luca, my mum has told me so much about your mum Julie." Luca says, shoving his hands into this pocket.

"I'm Addilyn Waverley. Excuse me, I need to get to the hospital." I say, running off down the road in the direction of the hospital.

That was the last time I saw her alive.

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