Chapter 8

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The younger man shuts his computer, pleased that he updated his story after such a long break. His roommate knocks on the door and walks in. The younger man turns around in his chair.

"Shouldn't we get going? The rest are waiting. Didn't Joseph have something to tell us?" The older man asks.

"Oh right! I forgot! Remember tar he doesn't like it when you call him Joseph. Maybe he finally has got a boyfriend or a girlfriend. At least he acts as if he would be in love."

"If he really is in love and has a boyfriend or a girlfriend then I'm really happy for him. But if his boyfriend or girlfriend breaks his heart then I will kill him or her." The older man looks serious but the younger man simply chuckles.

"You couldn't do it. But I could." The younger man says.

"No you couldn't." The younger man looks offended but the older one knows that he is just messing around. "We could do it together." He says and smiles bashfully looking at the floor. Then he remembers something he had to say and looks up at the younger boy again. "Oh and when we go to the mall, can I walk a small while separate from you? I need to get the last small things for your birthday present."

"Yeah that's fine. But now we need to get going. We can't let the rest wait for us for too long. We don't see them all at once that often when you think about it." The tounger man says and stands up from the chair and walks towards the door. The older man follows after him.

When they arrive at the café where they were meant to meet their friends they find that they are all already there except Joe.

"Hi!" Zoë shouts and jumps up from her seat and gives a hug to both.

"Hi!" They greet back. They sit down at the table. "So what have you been up to since Jim and Tanya's wedding?"

"Me and Zoë got engaged." Alfie says and blushes a bit.

"That's perfect!" Niomi says and Marcus nods. Grace looks a bit nervous but Hannah puts an arm around her to calm her down.

"I..." Grace takes a deep breath and Hannah whispers something in her ear that makes her smile a little. "I'm bi."

"Hey it's okay! It's nothing to be ashamed off!" The older man huggs her as comfort. Everyone are of the same opinion as he.

"So are you seing anyone?" The younger boy asks.

"No, but I have a crush and I'm not going to tell you who it is." She mumbles the last part and no one can understand what she is saying.

"Sorry dear but I didn't quite catch that. I think no one did actually." Tanya says.

"Oh it was nothing!" Grace chuckles nervously.

"Joe is here!" Alfie says and gets everybodys attention. Joe walks to the table but doesn't sit down.

"Hi everyone! I told you I had something to tell you and it is..." He makes a drum roll noice qith his fingers against the table. "I have a boyfriend! He couldn't come today though. And you all actually know him..."

"What?! Who is it?" The younger boy asks.

"Tell us! Tell us! Tell us!" Everyone chants in unision. Joe sits down next to another quite young looking boy who sits next to a boy who looks a bit older.

"Well I guess I should but I don't quite feel like telling."

"Oh come on!" The boy next to him says annoyed. "You can't be serious! Of course you're going to tell us!"

"Ummm.. It's a long story and I don't really know where to start." Joe answers.

"Well start at the beginning." Jim says.

"Well in the beginning there was a big bang and the world was made..."

"Not that far into the past!" Hannah interrupts him.

"Okay okay.. I'll tell you the story but" he holds up one finger and everyone groans in impatience "first I want to know what ou have been up to since we last saw each other at... Jim and Tanya's wedding I guess it was?"

Everyone tells the same things as before he came. When Zoë tells about the engagement Joe looks like he is ready to cry any moment.

"Oh my god Zoë! I'm so happy for you!" He stands up and huggs his sister and Alfie. Then Grace tells what she told before and Joe huggs her too. "What about you guys?" Joe turns to his left looking at the two boys sitting next to him.

"Nothing new." They say in unision and start laughing. Everyone else laughs too.

"What about you?" He turns to the younger and older man.

"Just living the old life with a dorky roommate." The younger boy says and the older boy hits him playfully on the arm laughing.

"You two should really be a couple! You already practically act like one." Niomi says and Tanya and Marcus nod along. Both boys blush a little bit and look bashfully away.

"Now you have to tell your story Joe, everyone else has told their news, if there were any." Grace commands.

"Fine well I met him a few years ago."

And I'm leaving it here for this time. Please don't hate me!

This story will probably not be longer than maybe 20 chapters maximum because I've a bit lost the touch to this story and I'm not sure if anyone is even reading this. This story is probably a bit hard to understand too. :(

Please vote and comment if you want and/or enjoy the story.

~ Stella

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