short story

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Iwalked outside to only find the same old everything the boring life style of anormal boring old day always the same routine wake up, get ready for school, goto school, go home, eat, then sleep always the same boring routine every dayuntil one day things got a little exciting the school was in lock down becauseof some sort of riot outside the police said it was some sort of savage riotthat was going on right outside the school we even heard gunshots and that'swhen every one's life started to change because police said it wasn't a normalriot heck they even said that the rioters weren't throwing rocks holding signsor anything just eating everything that was walking, talking, breathing andthen we all realized it... the word zombie came to mind but just to even thinkabout that just got the school even more excited as no one else could hear thereports coming in from the officer that was guarding the school well by reportsI mean I was stalking the radio chatterto find out if he was a real cop or not apparently he was just not very good atfinding out things quick enough to find out I was listening in on hiswalkie-talkie and all that because when the school went in lockdown and theword zombie came up I knew how it was going to end because one of the riotershad gotten in the building and munched on a guard and he joined in on theeating fest and when the two zombfied people came strolling through the halls I made a quick escape knowingthat being trapped in school in a apocalypse is a bad idea unless you want thekids meds that they left behind in the nurses office but I needed weapons andneeded to listen in on what the heck is going on so as the guard I was stalkingshouted "STOP BILLY" before being chewed up like a chew toy by diseased riddenanimals I swiped his walkie-talkie. It was unbelievable the reports of a breakin then reports of riots on all main streets but everything went still when thewalkie-talkie said that my school was the first to be lost and the orders ofretreats and deaths all over the walkie-talkie I had only hoped that my friendsmade it out ok like I did because I sent them a heads up warning through text.I knew it was all over from the start of the lockdown it was only a matter oftime before the school would get over run and but then I walked right into atrap of looters thieves and murderers just taking and killing like it's the endof the world oh wait it is until I saw someone actually get shot then I heard alittle voice in my head say RUN FOREST RUN and I ran as fast as I could to my housebecause I always knew when there was a apocalypse my house was the safest placein Indianan and so I finally made it home and still hearing car crashes andpeople getting torn into little tiny bits by either bullets or zombies I raninto my room grabbed all the knives and the one gun I had in my room for justthe occasion and decided to find my friends and family since no one was homenot even my dogs "weird" I thought as I stepped out of my house and onto theinfested streets covered in the Living Dead and a chiwawa still barking at mefor disturbing its masters home even tho I didn't even go near the house itjust saw me and started barking like it saw the mail man or the neighbor's catthat occasionally beats the dog up. I started making my way to Walmart becauseI thought it would be the safest place to be right NOPE APARENTLY WALMART GOTBOMBED. 5 years pasted in 2 seconds I was on the verge of death and thenDarkness happened and all of a sudden I hear my dad say it's time for schoolwake up! The last 5 years of my past never existed it was all a and so that concludes my fictional story themoral of this story is I hate really long and interesting dreams because at themost intensifying part of the dream = I WAKE UP

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