Chapter 1

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“Wake up sleepy head” my mum said shaking me gently

‘Nooo’ I groaned snuggling more into the blanket

“Fine be that way” mum huffed and stormed out of the room. Finally peace and quiet

.......... ..........................................................................................................................

Five minutes later

“AHHH” I fell out my bed and landed on my butt, I looked up and saw my mom smirking

“Which mother throws blue paint on their daughter while they are asleep” I whispered to myself

“Me, now get dressed and meet me in the lounge, I have something important to tell you”

Well I thought I whispered it, ugh this paint is going to take forever to get out my hair

I went in the shower and started to get to work, by the time I was done one hour passed, I quickly put on skinny jeans and a white top, I ran to the lounge like lightning ohhh like Ligthning mcqueen .

My mom was sitting and watching...SpongeBob, mom always watches SpongeBob even though she’s 34 years old, I think that’s awesome I will probably watch SpongeBob till I die. As soon as my mum saw me she switched the TV off “HEY, I want to watch sponge bob” I said pouting and going to sit besides my mom.

“Later I have something important to tell you” she said seriously

Wow my mom is never serious, in fact the only time she was serious was when I lost my first tooth and asked her if the ‘’tooth fairy’’ would come, she just told me the tooth fairy doesn’t exist and its just a myth, moms not really into lying to me about stuff

‘’what is it?”

“Well as you do know today’s your sixteenth birthday” mom said grinning

My sixteenth birthday?.... OMG today’s my sixteenth birthday!, me and mom don’t celebrate birthdays but we do give present's that’s why I kind of forgot it

“Yea!, well up to now I know, can you just cut to the chase”

“okay the deal was that on your sixteenth birthday ill tell you everything there is to know about your father....and this envelope contains info and a plane ticket for tonight to visit him for as long as you want” my mom said in a rush

I was shocked... I mean I know that I wanted info about my dad but I never thought she’ll give it. I quickly snatched the chunky envelop from her hand

“Wait so he knows I exist and that I’m coming to see him?” I asked excitedly

“Well not exactly, I just found out info and where he lives and now you can do the rest” mom said smiling sheepishly, typically mom

“So what I must just knock on a stranger’s door and say HEY IM YOUR DAUGHTER THAT YOU NEVER KNEW ABOUT”

“Well yea, or and there’s just one tiny thing you should know your fathers the king of Grante”

“hahahahah, you sooo funny mom, you cant expect me to believe that” I said laughing, I mean seriously Grante is a very wealthy country and I once saw the king on television he seemed very proper and classy... which is the opposite of me and mom

“I’m serious sweetie, I know it’s a lot to take in, but if you don’t believe me the proof is in that envelop...I’ll give you some alone time to look at what’s in the envelope and I’ll go pack for you” she said as she kissed my head

“Wait aren’t you coming too?”

“No this is something you should do alone, and plus I don’t want to see your father “

Before I could ask more questions she was already gone. I took a deep breath and opened the envelop and took everything out, the first thing I saw was a photograph of a young couple they were looking at each others eyes with full of love, the male had green eyes and brown hair and the female had brown eyes and hair

It was only then that I realised that it was my mom and a younger version of the king who is my... dad?

The rest of the stuff was news articles and biographies of him, it says he’s 35 years old and not married nor have any children. After hours of reading everything I came across my Birth certificate it had my mums name Elizabeth Annabel Smith and my father’s Luke Antony white III

“MOM” I screamed

“Yes honey"


“Told you, now come on your bags are packed we need to go the airport” mom said already getting the bags and rushing to the door.

We reached the airport in 10 minutes, mostly cause my mom drive like a crazy women

“Okay honey here’s the credit card in case you may need anything, aw I cant believe you going this is the first trip you going without me” said mom giving me the card and being close to tears

“Don’t worry mom, I’ll be fine, I’ll miss you”

“Ill miss you to, now go the planes already leaving” she said, now full of tears

I quickly gave her a hug and made my way to the plane, I made it in the plane on time. After taking forever to look for my seat I finally found it, I did a little happy dance in my head because I got a window seat

“Passenger’s please turn off all phones as the plane is about to take off “said the air hostess



HEY:D please comment it will mean alot

My father is a king,that is so......awesome!!!Where stories live. Discover now