Chapter Nine, Make Me Feel Again

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Sorry for the wait! Here's chapter nine!

Enjoy :)



Harry and I were texting none stop; he told me about his and Jason's relationship, he said he's not happy. I wouldn't blame him; I wouldn't want to be in a relationship where, I'm physically, mentally, and sexually abused. I seriously want to knock the fuck out of that asshole. Lately Harry hasn’t been texting me. Scratch that, he hasn’t texted me at all and he’s not replying to mine either; hopefully I didn’t upset him. Then again, I only let him vent to me, I listen and give him my opinion when he asks, but that's it.

I told Harry about my dad, I told him about the good times, when my parents divorced, when my dad got sick and I told him everything I remember from the day he passed. I also told him about how much I miss him and would do anything to just have one more day with him. I still regret never telling my dad how much I actually loved him, I wish I told him how much he meant to me, how grateful I was to have him in my life, and have him there to help raise me. I would also tell him how sorry I was; I tried replacing him with a new dad. Don’t get me wrong I love my stepdad, but he’s not my real dad although he raised me like I was a real son to him, he had my back when I came out to my family too. I just wish I had my real dad here with me, I just wish I could tell him one last time, how proud I am to call him my dad.

Anyway, back to Harry. I feel like the more I talk to him, the more I feel what he’s feeling, the more I can understand what’s going on in his brain. Recently, well, the last time I talked to him. He seemed so down, it’s understandable, but I mean more down than usual. I wish I could be there for him and comfort him instead of over the phone or a text message. I just want to be there, have him in my arms and let him cry and have us share to each other our biggest secrets, and fears, our wishes and our dreams, tell our ambitions, be there for each other even if we just finished screaming at one another.

I miss him, I don’t know what happened it’s like he dropped me from his life, I haven’t even known him that long. I think I love him.

Harry’s P.O.V.

Jason hasn’t talked to me in three days, and I’m going to lose it. I can’t handle not being with him, he’s my first everything. Even if he’s mean to me sometimes and hurts my feelings, I’m sure he means good by it; he just hasn’t shown it yet. It’s been a couple of weeks since the concert, a few days ago when Jason was here, he looked through my phone when I wasn’t around and read through mine and Louis’ texts. Basically he yelled at me and told me that “I’m not talking to you, you’re dead to me you worthless piece of shit, I told you not to talk to him, and there you going doing exactly what I told you not to do. You’re so stupid, you know that? Of course you don’t, because you’re fucking stupid!” I just stood there and let him yell at me while he gripped my hair leaving a burning feeling in my scalp. That’s the only time he touches me; besides from when he takes advantage of me.

"I'm sick and tired of your bullshit!" He shouted still with my phone in his other hand that wasn't gripping my hair. He pushed me to the ground and threw my phone at the wall with an angry yell. My phone flew around the room to the floor in multiple pieces, I still stood there shocked, but in a way happy he didn’t take it out on me for once. I’m tired of lying about new bruises, and I’m tired of lying about my new scars. When Jason found out about them he yelled at me, shocking. Not really. He called me out on it. He called me an ‘attention seeker’ and an ‘emo freak’. Almost like he doesn’t know he’s the reason I do this to myself. I can’t completely blame him for it, it’s everything in my life leading up to this I can’t help the way my life turned out; I have to make the best with what I have, and if I think about life it’s pretty great, on the days Jason’s nice that it.

I can’t handle the constant abuses of this, but I don’t want to leave, there’s something there, maybe I could get through to Jason one day. Until then, I’m stuck like this.


It’s been two days since Jason freaked out on me about Louis, I wish I could still talk to him, but Jason told me I can’t. Plus my nose is still acing from when Jason socked me one before leaving.

I was walking back home from Liam’s place where the two of us just hung out to shoot the shit and do whatever. I was only a few blocks away from the Horan household when a van came by, I noticed this van on plural occasions not only today, it’s like I see this van almost every time I’m out and about. I put my hood up and jammed my hands into my pocket ignoring the van and how it keeps creepily driving back and forth past me, I turned up the volume on my iPod and quickened my pace. To say I’m frightened would be a definite understatement, I have no idea who drives this van or why I always see it, but scared the absolute shit out of me.

Finally it pulled up about fifteen feet ahead of me and went to a halt, I had no clue what was about to happen, but I hoped it had nothing to do with me.

I started walking even fast to the point where I don’t even know if you can call it walking anymore, I’d call it more of a jog. I was only a few feet away from the van going to pass it, when the doors opened. I was scared shitless, I saw the three people step out of the van, I noticed one of them was none other than Jason. I stopped, for obvious reasons; he’s my boyfriend, duh.

He had a wicked smile on his face, the one he would get after he finished beating me and before he would take advantage of me sexually. I noticed the other two had the same expression on as well. They circled around me before I was grabbed from behind and pulled into the van.


I know it's short, I'm sorry. 

Cliff hanger *Gasp*

Questions: What do you think will happen next? What do you think Jason has in mind?

What do you think of the fic so far?

COMMENT, RATE and VOTE PLEASE It makes my day, seriously, it makes me so cheery!

Love you all so much! 400 reads! My eyes almost popped out of my skull! Thank you!

-Summer Xx

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