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Layla's POV:

My life. My life has been bad for years and years and years. It got worse over those very many years. I don't remember my parents. They had died when I was very young. Now I live with 'it', not her but 'it'. 'It' is my stepmother, she has money, and lots of it. Ya know one direction? Well, she does stuff for them. She 'picks out' all of their clothes and decides how they will do their hair, and so on and so forth.

Now you're probably thinking "lucky, I want your life". No you don't. I have never once seen one of them. They don't even know that Olivia has a daughter (Olivia is 'it'). She doesn't beat me or anything, but she... well you wouldn't understand. She makes my life hard. I'm 17 and forced to live with her. I cant go to a uni or even go to school and have no social life because I travel with her. No friends, a mother who doesn't care, and I have an eating disorder. This may not seem important and you may think 'what does this have to do with anything', but our house is weird. There are very hazardous, random things everywhere. Huge, random holes. So I don't leave my room most days, and Olivia doesn't care.

I do eat, not enough, but I do eat. Of course she is already gone to what ever she may be doing so I am home alone. I get to the kitchen and find some cereal. I love cereal. I don't eat much but I will always eat cereal. I hear the door creak open, thinking it was Olivia.

"Hello? Olivia I have a couple of questions" I heard an extremely attractive voice and accent. I may be a little socially awkward so, I ran forgetting about the odd house I live in, tripping and falling and whimpering in pain. My ankle hurts like hell.

"Bloody hell" I curse forgetting about the mysterious man standing at my door.

"Olivia? Are you ok?" he asked.

"Um this isn't Olivia. She is busy, I am her daughter" I say lying on the ground.

"Ok. What is your name love? Where are you? Are you ok?" he asks multiple questions.

"I'm Layla. I'm over here in the dining room and I really don't know if I'm ok" I chuckle.

"Layla... that's a lovely name. Oh here you are... um I don't think your ankle is ok" his face was filled with discust whilst mine was filled with amazement. Zayn Malik was standing right infront of me.

"I-It hurts" I stop staring at him.

"Here I'll help you up" he held out his hand.

"Thank you" I get up and fall and whimper in pain. My ankle is a lot worse than I thought.

"I will have to carry you" he lifted up my very skinny body.

"To where?" I ask.

"The hospital" he said in a 'duh' tone.

"No. Don't go through that trouble for me" I try to get him to listen.

"Your ankle is almost twisted completely around and I don't have anything else to do" his grip tightened but it didn't hurt.

"Ok. Will you tell my um Olivia" did I almost call her my mum?

"She never told us she had a daughter" he thought out loud.

"She only got me for the money when she needed it the most" I sigh feeling my hormones bust out.

"I'm sure she loves you" he said, looking me straight in the eye.

"Maybe" I sigh. He sat me in the back of his car so my foot was elevated but it really hurt.

"Ow God dam-" I stop mid-word. "Sorry" I say softly.

"Its fine we all swear" he laughs lightly.

"I do a lot more than I should" I admit.

"That's fine I wont tell" he held his finger to his mouth.

"Ok" I whisper back.

We arrive at the hospital moments later. I move over for him to pick me up. I feel the cold air hit my face and it really hurt my ankle.

"You ok?" he asked starring deep into my eyes.

"Yeah, just pain" I fake laugh. I still haven't really filtered the idea of Zayn Malik helping out boring ol' me.

Zayn's POV:

She is stunning! Her brown/grey eyes glow, and her long, brown, wavey hair fell to sculpt her face perfectly. But she looked very skinny, unhealthy skinny. Olivia was always nice to us. She never showed any sign of her having a daughter. Was it because we were One Direction the five heartbreakers? Or because she was truly a bad person? I couldn't worry about that now, I have a girl in a lot of pain in my arms. The doctor looked at her ankle and said it was definitely broken. He put on a temporary cast and tomorrow she is getting a permanent one if all goes well.

"I'm very sorry but I have to go home now" I apologies to her as we entered her room.

"Its fine I'm tired anyways" she smiled and pecked me on the cheek. " Thank you" after that I left the room.

I felt a special connection with her. Not like love but like I needed to take care of her. Like it was my job or something. I felt I had to protect her from her. Her life causes all of her pain, and she cant help what happens in her life. I quickly shut out the light and shake away all of the confusing thoughts from my head and slowly drift to sleep.


I had a very cool/weird/romantic dream, and of course it was about a girl who lives a hard yet good life and well I cant spoil it because there is a very specific way on how things will happen. It will always stay a Zayn fanfic I wont make it a Niall or something like others might do. BYE IM TURNIN IN

Love, Nicole Stypayhorlikson <3

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