Returning Chapter 17

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My head hurt when I woke up the next morning. A petite nurse came into my room to run some tests and she sent them to the lab to be examined. When she came back she just told me I would have to stay one more night, then I could leave.

I decided to spend my last day with Jordyn. I unplugged my IV from the wall. I dragged my feet down the hall and to her room. When I was about to enter, I heard her whimpering on the other side of the door. I quietly opened the door and saw her sitting up on a pillow, tears streaming down her face. "Jordy?" I asked coming over to her bedside.

"Is that you Avery?" She said taking her hands away from her eyes.

"Yeah, it's me. What's wrong?"

"It hurts!"

"What hurts?"

"Her eyes." Someone said from behind me.

I turned around to see a doctor standing behind me with his arms crossed in front of his chest. "Her eyes hurt because she just got surgery on them. Miss Quimber, is it?"

"Yes," I said weakly standing up.

"Based on these records," he said looking at his clipboard and pulling on reading glasses. "You were not discharged today. We don't typically recommend patients that are sick, visit other patients."

"I am sorry, I was not aware of that rule. But, before I go, what was the surgery for?"

"It will help improve her eyesight,"

"Wait, so that means!"

"Yes, she is expected to get her full vision back,"

"And survival?"

"She is getting better everyday so we think that she will survive,"

After he said that, I couldn't help but run over to him and give him a hug. It shocked him when I threw my arms around his shoulders. "Thank you, thank you so much! I don't know how to thank you enough."

"You can go take care of yourself,"

I nodded my head and went over to Jordyn, kissed her on the head, then headed back to my room. On the way back I bumped into Lance.



"Are you feeling better?"

"I am fine." I said pushing past him, nudging his shoulder.

Before I could get past him, he grabbed my arm, stopping me. "I brought you flowers."

I whipped my head around to see him holding out a bouquet of sunflowers. They were very rare because they only grew above ground, so I knew he had spent a fortune on it.

"Thank you," I whispered gently taking them from his hands.

Our hands brushed past each other and he gently grabbed my hand. "What happened to us Av?"

I sighed and motioned him into my hospital room. I put the flowers in the vase next to my bedside and he sat in a chair, while I sat on the edge of my bed.

"Nothing happened, it's not you, I just cannot handle everything right now,"

"Is it you getting sick?"

"No," I sighed. "It is just, everything happened so fast. It made me realize that I have just been flouncing around all of my life. I just need a break from everything,"

"From us?"

"As hard as it is to say it, yes from us. I love you, I truly do but, I just can't bear to bring down all my stress and worry on you,"

Returning (Revamping please read new prologue and tell me what you think!!)Where stories live. Discover now