Everything Has Changed

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Hiiiiiii(: So This is my second story so I hope it turns out good,


-Kayla x


~Rosalie's POV ~

"ROSIEEEEEE!" says Jai obnoxiously loud as he barges into my room.

I groan and throw a pillow at his head "Go away!" I whine and roll over again.

I am SO not a morning person!

"Oh, that's how it's gonna be huh?" he laughs

"BOYS!" he calls and I immediately hear 4 feet running up the stairs. I roll over and see Beau, Jai and Luke running towards me. I scream and the all jump on my bed squishing me in a "Brooks brother pile" as I call it.

They often do this when I don't get up.

"Alright alright, Im up! Get off-Can't-Breath!" I yell and the boys laugh and stand up. Beau grabs me from the warmth of my bed and puts me over his shoulder. "Beau what the fu-" I start

"Don't swear!" he yells interrupting me.

"Says you!" I yell back "Put me down!" I laugh "NO!" he screams and starts to run down the stairs.

This is basically a normal morning for me!

I've been best friends with the twins, Luke and Jai for as long as I can remember, so of course Beau is like my big brother to.

The boys come over to my house every morning to get ready with me and my sister Adrianna. Well Luke and Jai anyway, Beau graduated last year.

Adrianna is a year younger than me, so 16 years and she's the best sister ever! She absolutely beautiful, with dark brown curly hair and brown eyes. We're best friends and tell each other EVERYTHING. Including the fact that she has the hugest crush on Beau. Which I find hilarious considering he is 3 years older than her! Beau knows she likes him to, he always does little things to tease her.

Beau finally sets me down at the bottom of the stairs.

Luke and Jai come down right behind us.

I think we all smelled the air at the exact same time because we exchanged a look and shouted "BACON!" and started running towards the kitchen.

Since were in socks on the ceramic floor we slid to a stop and ended up falling.

Adrianna turned around from the stove and burst out laughing as she saw the four of us on the kitchen floor laughing our heads off.

Luke snuck out from under my arm and ran to the counter grabbing a plate.

He simply held it out in front of him and said the word "Bacon" to Adrianna.

We all got up and joined him holding out our plates.

Adrianna shook her head smiling "Hold on!"


I finished my last bite of bacon and got up from the table.

"Alright I'm headed to the gym" says Beau. "Have fun at school kiddos!' he grins in a mocking tone.

"BYE!" I yell.

"Catch ya later bitches!" he says in a gay voice while winking before closing the door.

"Rosalie are you having a shower before we go?" asks Adrianna.

"Ya I will" I tell her.

"Oh good, you smell" says Luke trying not to smile.

"Hardy har har" I stick my tounge out at him before going up the stairs.


After a quick shower I walk to my room in my towel smelling of my favorite shampoo and body wash.

Looking through my closet I decide on light blue ripped jean shorts and a navy blue crop top.

I walk back to the bathroom and blow dry my hair, I decide to leave it down in it's natural waves.

I apply light makeup and walk downstairs.

Luke and Jai are watching cartoons in the living room, I take the seat on the couch next to Jai.

"Cute outfit Rose" smiles Adrianna as she walks down the stairs.

"Alright lets go!" says Luke as he grabs his bag and goes to put on his shoes.

We all head out the door to walk to school together as usual.


"Hey guys!" says Jess smiling as she walks down her drive way to meet us.

We always stop by her house, and she walks with us to.

"Morning babe" says Jai and gives her a kiss.

They've been dating for about 6 months now and they are the cutest couple ever!

We start walking again, Jai and Jess are behind a bit holding hands, talking and laughing. Me and Adrianna and Luke are just having a pointless conversation with no real subject.

Monday seems off to a good start.


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