Chapter 2- Training

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Dean POV

"Right Morgan lets go" I shout to her and drive us to Bobby's training room

"Where are we starting?" She asked eager

"First I am going to tell you how to kill certain creatures although you have probably heard me and Sammy talk but we need to make sure you know" I smiled

Normal POV

Sam walked through and stood in front of you with Dean

"Right to start with a Changeling you can only burn it nothing else" Sam said bluntly

"With demons it can be more simple when they are possessing someone you can try exorcise them remember Devils trap, salt and holy water and you have Ruby's knife and the cult but you know that's emergencies only scenario" Dean says seriously I nod

"Ghosts could be a really hard one sometimes depending on what ghost and where and how angry it is, but burn the bones when you find them and make sure if it's tied to an object burn that to but if you can't find the bones quick iron can be used to repel it away and salt" Sam said sternly

"The hardest one is hell hounds you can't see them which makes it ten times harder but the colt can be used for that and the demon killing knife and they can't cross a salt line, you keeping up?" Dean asked

"Yeah" I said


After a while of Sam and Dean going through everything with you, Dean decided to start you off on proper training

"Right we will do you working on gunshots because well you know how to use the knives and the fire so gun shots and putting up a fight is what you need to think about" Dean said

"Ok" I reply anxious

"Here" he hands me the gun there's a bunch of targets in front of me I begin to shoot


Dean POV

I couldn't believe it every single target not going to lie she could save me and Sam's asses

"Sam come here" I shout

"What? Wow" Sam said noticing she shot all of the targets

"Did I do good?" She asked

"So good" I smiled and went and kissed her

"Mmm" I moaned into our kiss

"Guys there's a time and a place please god" Sam said

I put my finger up to him still kissing her

"Right" I say as I pull away

"I have to go help Bobby with a theory Sam is going to stay here and help you practice your fighting, showing you how to do the holy water and Devils traps" I say and kiss her forehead

"Be safe" she smiled

"I will" I smile

"Don't hurt bitchy boy too much" I laugh

"Jerk" Sam says

"Bitch" I say walking out


Me and Bobby were out

"You haven't told Sam have you?" Bobby questioned me

"No Bobby could you imagine if you knew the last thing we need is Ruby and yellow eyes trying to get him back on demon blood" I sigh

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