The One I Thirst For...

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***The picture over there, over to the right and down, that's the 'intended image' of Gabriel.***


The night was dark and had a chilly breeze. Any human out here at this time of night had to be insane, they had more to be afraid of then just supernatural supposingly non-existent creatures of the night. I moved silently between trees and avoided making a sound from fallen branches and leaves.

It was mid October, the night was frightful within itself. Eerie almost, especially with those like me prowling the darkness. I came upon my usual resting spot when I was finished with hunting. It was quite peaceful, a small pond with bushes around it, and sat down, only to find that I had company. I slowly turned and observed her.

The tingling sensation in my fangs told me she was human, apparently she hadn't noticed me sit down near her. Her head was was down with her arms wrapped around her knees. I sat there quietly for several moments before I spoke.

"Hey, what are you doing out here?" I questioned curiously. She looked up, shocked, and tumbled back a few feet.

"W-where did you come from!?" Her eyes were wide. I blinked, humans were really oblivious weren't they? I sighed and pointed to the thickets of trees and darkness.

"Over there."

She rolled her eyes, letting her guard down since she saw me as no threat.

What a stupid girl. I could snap her neck in seconds, drain her dry in just two minutes. But alas, I've had my fill.

"My name's Danielle." she sniffed, rubbing her eyes. Until now I hadn't even realized she'd been crying. I nodded in acknowledgment.

"Gabriel." I returned her gesture. I was more curious for her reasons of being here. "Why are you here?" It was blunt, but it's not often to come across a human that doesn't sense immediate danger and you end up making small talk.

She clenched her fists, taking a deep breath.

"My mother kicked me out." It was a menacing whisper. I was never intimidated by a human, but with the hatred she uttered mother... I can say I've experienced it all.



In the distance, police sirens wailed. We heard shouting and approaching footsteps, she gasped looking around frantically.

"Oh God... I need to go."

"Follow me." I was already ten steps ahead of her. She ran silently, much to my surprise.

I pulled her down into a small cove beneath a rotted out tree. Cops quick-stepped by, checking the surroundings. I held my hand tightly over her mouth in case she might let a sound slip. They shined a light almost straight into our hiding place. I froze, neither of us dared to take a breath.

"It's clear, no signs of any girl." One policeman said. The others nodded and took off back to where they came. Once we were sure they were gone we climbed out of the nook and dusted off.

"I suppose they came looking for you because...?"

She sighed.

"My mom's a psycho... like literally. She only cares about herself, and loves drama. When she kicks me out and I don't come back... she calls the cops and reports me as a runaway."

Her explanation was followed by silence and an are you serious look from me. The way she took that look spoke volumes about the personality she had and how long she'd dealt with this kind of thing.

"Yeah... I know." she started walking off out of the woods.

I didn't follow her, I needed to get back to the club before dawn hit.


Not long at all I know but I'll be updating this one alot!!! Tell me what you think please!!!

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Song of the moment:

All Signs Point To Lauderdale By A Day To Remember :D

Thanks for reading!

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