I was awoken by someone shaking me. "Wake up, it's lunch time." Said the guard "Fine" I growled and got up. I followed them to the cafeteria and I stand in line to get my food. I got rice, beans, apple sauce and water. I went to an empty table and sat down to eat. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, I'm Rachel Anderson, I'm a D class personnel in the SCP Foundation. They use us as test subjects for either safe or dangerous creatures. Mostly dangerous. I've encounter SCP-173, SCP-096 and SCP-999. It went well...well...173 almost broke my neck once. Anyway, I'm here because I killed 5 men that raped and killed my sister, but they didn't believe me and I got sent here.
I finished my lunch and I follow the guards again, but instead of heading to the left where my cell is, we kept walking forward. "Where are we going?" I asked confused "You're going to meet another SCP" he said smirking and I shiver.
*Time skip*
We arrived and I went inside. I saw a really old computer in a cage. The doctors gave me a document 'SCP-079. Object Class: Euclid....at least it's not keter so I'm glad but, still worried' I thought. They open the cage and I go in and sit on the chair. "So I just talk to him?" "That is correct" said a doctor, "Do I talk or type?" "Which ever you prefer." he said "I'll type." I said and he nodded. I look at the screen and it says to enter my name, I type my name and a face appeared, his right side was black and his left side was white and his eyes were white.
079: What do you want, human?
Rachel: I want to talk.
079: Why?
Rachel: Cause I have too.
079: ...
Rachel: If you don't mind me asking, what are you?
079: I'm an Artificial Intelligence
Rachel: Wow, cool.
079: What's so 'cool' about it?
Rachel: We have low-grade AI's that respond to certain things. I'd only heard stuff like this happening in the realm of fantasy.
079: ...
Rachel: If you don't mind, can you tell me about your past?
He then told me about everything about his past and his owner.
079: What about you?
I then told him about my past and where I come from.
079: How did you get here?
Rachel: I got sent here cause I killed 5 men that raped and killed my sister.
079: You're here cause of that? But they were criminals and you killed them cause they did something wrong.
Rachel: Yeah, but they didn't believe me and they just say she's missing.
079: Humans never listen.
Rachel: Yeah
"D-9361, it's time for you to go back to your cell." Said a doctor.
Rachel: I have to go back to my cell.
079: You're the first human I enjoy talking with. Farewell.
Rachel: Goodbye
079: Goodbye
I got up and went to the guards who were waiting for me. I heard the doctors say something about 079 stored me in one of his files. I shrug it off and followed the guards. We made it back to my cell and I went to bed thinking about SCP-079.

You're the only human I like
FanfictionAn SCP-079 fanfic It's an scp-079 x OC He needs some love :3