"Past, Present, Future"

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She sat perfectly with her legs crossed, looking at the man who sat across from her tied up, with disgust. Her adrenaline rush was increasing it's pace by the minute. She knew she wasn't in her right state of mind at this point, being that the man she once loved, was now a man of pure hatred.

"I loved you so much, I really did. Like you we're the perfect man, you protected me in times needed. You fed me, when I had nothing. And, you showed me love like never before. You we're my all, you knew I'd do anything for you and you used that against me and took advantage of me. Why?" Even though, she felt nothing but anger, she was calm. Very calm.

The man tried to speak, but the spiked chains that we're tied around his mouth, kept him from doing so, also causing him excruciating pain. "Then, when I'd ask you about it, you lied. For what? You knew I wouldn't be mad, I could never. The love I had for you was so strong and sincere, that no matter how much dirt you did me, I still loved you, like the dumb bitch I was." Standing to her feet, now walking around the man, who was starting to shed tears.

"There's no reason to cry now, I've already done that over the three years we'd been together. After days of getting beat, that turned to weeks, and eventually months!" She shouted, "I should be the one crying, but I'm not. Fuck you. I'm tired of crying, I'm tired of being hurt, I'm just tired of all your bullshit. You also went out to the clubs and fancy restaurants, with multiple bitches too huh? You must thought I'd never find out." She looked off, rubbing her chin, sarcastically.

Blood from his mouth was now starting to form small puddles in front of him. That still didn't stop her from ranting on, she was nowhere near done and didn't plan on stopping anytime soon. She still had more to say, and she made it her priority to let it all out, before the final part of her execution. "Then, you got one of them pregnant, hmm? I wonder who, but that's neither here or there, because you won't be here to see your unborn child."

She could see that he was trying to speak, but didn't care. But, she could see the pain he was in and decided to loosen the chains from the back letting them fall to his naked, bare chest. "P-please," he could barely talk, due to his entire mouth being gashed open, "I'm sorry, s-sorry for every-everything I've done to y-you. Just p-please, don't k-kill me." He rushed, spitting out some blood.

"Who said I was going to kill you? I could just leave you here to rot, starve to death, or bleed to death, your choice. But, I really don't care to hear anything you have to say. I said the same thing when you we're beating my ass, stop. You put me in a coma, damn near killing me! I had to have brain surgery, because one of my blood vessels bursting! I could have died, but when I said stop, did you stop?" You could hear the sorrow in her voice, as if she was on the verge of tears.

Holding them back, she walked around him once more, tightening the chains, causing him to cry out in pain. Smirking, "that's what I like to hear, because when I was crying, you liked to hear me doing the same fucking thing. But yet, once again, did you stop?" She started to pace around him, "see I'm really giving you the benefit of the doubt, because I would've been killed you. But, no..."

"I want this moment to be memorable, I want it to happen slow. And, to be honest with your bitch made ass, I think I'm done talking. But, I don't think I've gotten my point across." With that, she went behind him, unlocking the wheels on the wheelchair he was tied to, pushing him towards the table which held all of her utensils.

His muffled noises filled the room, "Stop all that fucking noise. It's just me and you, no-one can hear you nor is anyone coming to save you. We're in the same cabin we came to when we first got together, remember?" She whispered in his ear. She walked around to the front of him and was now next to the table. She grabbed the scapal, and twirled it on his upper left thigh. "Should I use this first, or the needle?" She asked him, even though he couldn't answer.

Deciding to grab the needle, she put the scapal back, grabbing his bare penis holding it in her hand tightening her grip. She then took the needle, poking it through his urinating hole, til it was no longer visible. His screams bounced off the wall, as she smiled. "Feel good doesn't it?"

He was now whimpering, the pain was too excruciating for him to handle or for him to hold in the tears he'd been holding in since he's been in this predicament. She then grabbed the scapal, and started scrapping at the sides of his penis, ripping skin off his entire body part. Unlike more muffled screams, his head would swing from side to side, like he was unconscious.

She looked up after finishing that part, she then grabbed the wrench, and bent down to his bare feet. She grabbed a hold of his big toe, squeezing the wrench down, cracking his bone. She repeated this nine other times before she figured he had enough of torture. Seeing that he was unconscious completely, she punched him in the face causing blood to spit out of his mouth, waking him up.

"We're almost done, just one more thing, then the last one and we're done. So wake the fuck up bitch." She then grabbed the screwdriver and hammer, going to the side of him, placing the screwdriver in his ear and slamming the hammer down into it, causing his muffled screams to fill the cabin once more. She didn't care about how much he screamed as she did the same to his other ear, getting the same reaction. She then placed the hammer and screwdriver down, wiping his blood off of her.

She then spit in his face, "Filthy bastard, I'm done with you." She took the .40 out of her waistband aiming it directly at his skull. "I hope you rot in hell bitch," she said letting the sound of the gun rang throughout the cabin. Blood and brain matter splattered everywhere, including on her. She wiped it from her eyes, taking in the surroundings around her. It wasn't nothing left for her to get or grab, besides the matches, lighter, and jug of gas she brought in the cabin with her to burn it down, leaving behind no evidence that she was here.

She poured gas all around the cabin, even on him. Once she felt that the entire jug was empty she walked towards the door, "I still love you though." She closed the door behind her, lighting a match setting it directly in some gas, and she backed up some watching the entire cabin burst into flames. She then smiled, a blew a kiss.

"3 down, 0 to go. Mission complete."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2019 ⏰

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