Now What?

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There were so many question left unansswered. The question thats haunts me is: What do I do now? As much as I didnt want to see that.. ghost again I had so many question to ask him because he knew things I didn't. If he is the one trying to help me why is he not speaking what he knew?

This is all that went through my mind while I lay restlessly in bed.  When I finnally fell asleep I had a dream. The sun was golden. The warm grains of sand had no one to hug as they sun bathed. As beautiful as the beach looked there was an eerie feeling pinned to it. Suddenly a tall, goregous girl was running from behind me to the oppisite side of the beach. She wore a bright blue dress. She looked frightened. Then the girl sang. To my surprize that riddle in the letter was a song.

"Miss?" I called. "Hello?" I took a step forward and swung my arm out to get her attention. My hand was stoped. "What the-" I pressed my other palm against where my hand was stoped. It was glass. I turned around. It was all around me. Including over my head.

"Can someone hear me?! Please anyone?!" I screamed.

The girl running turned around.

"Help!" I screamed.

She slowly shook her head and whiped her tear away. She mouthed 'I'm sorry'.

"No!" I cried.

The glass box suddenly faded into black. I appeared to be into a basement. It was dark and chilling.

"hello?" I whispered.

"Hide!" A voice frantically whispered lighting a candle.


The light showed the mystery of the voice. It was the ghost I saw.

"Oh my god.." I backed away slowly.

"I'm trying to help you! hurry hide!"

Feeling helpless I crawled into a box and looked though a hole.

He blew out the candle and sat down. Almost instantaniously the door opened up followed by a tall man. As he turned on a light it reveled who he was. Caleb's Uncle! I got really scared.

"Come on!" He growled.

Caleb's uncle Rick lead the other man up the stairs. I waited and listened. I suddenly jumped at the sound of screams. Screams from a man.

"Mellissa?!" Rick screamed running down the steps. I stopped breathing at an attempt of being quiet. Rick bent over and looked in my box. The light made my eyes burn.

"There you are.." Rick said with a devious smile.

I screamed and quickly appeared somewhere else. It was my room.

"Seen enough?" The man asked Walking into my room with chains on him.

"He killed you?"


"And now he is after me."


"Where is he?"

"Not even I know..Im bound to this place."


He shook his chains. "He killed me here. In that bathroom. My body is still no where to be found. Thats why they think I skipped town..I am helping you. I have helped you through this all. Now it time to help me.."

"How have to been helping me?"

"I gave you the riddle..I gave you a chance to get out..I gave you the answers you needed. Just think. Keep reading the riddle.."

"How will that help you?"

"It'll set me free.. It'll let me see the life beyond death." He bowed his head and began to sing. "Drinkin' will only get you to slurin'" He kept repeating backing out of the room.

I sat on the edge of my bed. I walked into the bathroom. I didn't see anything. I pulled back the shower cutain and gasped. He was killed in the bathtub!

I suddenly woke up gagging from the sight I just saw.

I calmed myself and sat up in bed. It was nine in the morning.

I got out of bed and went to see if Caleb was up. He wasn't. I walked into the kitchen. I went for a walk on the beach and as I paced I couldn't help but crave more answers. I ran inside grabed Calebs keys and I left him a note of where I was. I drove into town and went to the bait shop.

"Hello miss-" The man attemped at gretting me but I inturupted him.

"Do you know a Meliissa?"

"Uh..Yes I do. Do you have a last name?"


"Well there is a newspaper artical of mellissa on the board over there if you would like to look.."

I walked to the back of the shop and looked at the board. There it was the newspaper artical of Mellissa. She was the girl running across the beach in my dream.

"Missing person: Mellissa Chatman. Long brown hair last seen in a blue elegant dress. Last seen going home in a Silver car after her Jr. Prom." I looked to the newspaper artical to the left. "Mellissa Chatman's car found Abandened on the side of the road of Jackson but no Mellissa. Her phone and purse was gone but everything else remains a mystery."

"Sir?" I asked walking over to the counter. "Why do you have so many articals of Mellissa?"

"Because she is my daughter. She went missing a few years ago but never found her remains. I try to think possitive but all I can do now is hope that S.O.B gets found and turned in."

"Im sorry sir.." I said turning around and walking out of the store.

I drove back to the house in a hurry and hoping to get there before Caleb wakes up.

I walked in the door and Caleb was sitting on my couch watching tv.

"Hey." He said. "What did you go into town for?"

I couldn't lie to him again. I respect him too much. "Looking at articals of that Mellissa girl that went missing.."

"Why?" He laughed.

Great what now? Tell him the truth?

"You;ll believe me?"

"Yeah I'll try.."

"Your uncle is a killer.."


I pulled out the letter and showed him the key. I told him about my dream last night. I told him everything.

"Thats a song..My dad used to sing it to me. He said he learned it from Uncle Rick's friend."

"Thats wasn't his friend that was his victim..."

"You want to know something I figured out about this song? One time my dad came home drunk and sang it to me. The first line is "The keys made to sellar" as in the key  is used to open the sellar.."



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2011 ⏰

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