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(Flashbacks are italicized)

My mom burst into my room excitedly. "Mom what has you all worked up?" I asked. My mom responded, "Do you want the good news or the better news?" "Well, I think we should start with the good and work our way up." I said dryly. "First, I'm pregnant. I just found out," "How is that good news? Last time you were pregnant he almost killed me. Plus there is not enough room for another person we are already packed in here like sardines. What are you gonna do send me to boarding school? Oh wait we can't afford that he spent all the money from your previous marriage except the stuff dad left me." "Well, I am sending you away but think of it like this you will be away from him. Now on to the better news, remember those boys you used to be best friends with?" Mom asked and I nodded. "Of course I remember I was heartbroken."

"We have to go away for a while. We will be back though, it should only take a week or two then we will all be back." Silas explains. "But Sas I don't want you to go, if you Arrik, Ner and Bas leave who will play with me or make sure I don't get hurt?" I asked. "It's only for a couple weeks then we will be back. I have to leave now Cece, I'll see you soon." Silas responds.

“But it’s been 13 years since I have even heard from them.” ‘Well yea, it’s been awhile but them. You are moving in with them. They are super rich and they will take good care of you. They are excited to see you again and you need to start packing but only pack things you can't live without. The boys will take you shopping for everything else." Mom assured me. “Wait? How did you get in contact with them after all this time?” I asked. “Well, I was in such a tizzy over the new baby I wasn’t watching where I was going and ran into the one called Silas and he recognized me and treated me to lunch. As we talked he finally got the courage to ask about you, which I assume was the whole point to the lunch, and that made me think about how you are treated and how this new baby will affect you so in the vaguest of terms I told him we were short on room and that you as the oldest will be asked to give up the most. He immediately asked if he and the boys could take you in. I was like I don’t know if that’s a good idea and that is when he told me that they had tons of space and are the heirs to some of the richest families in the world. So I finally agreed that this would be a better area for you.” Mom then said “No argument you are going to live with them pack your bags.” Then she walked out the door. I sighed resigned and started packing my books. 'I hope they don't expect me to trust them' I thought.

3 hours later:


"I know its sudden but just set up the room like I told you to okay?" I said over the phone to my best friend Carrick. "Why can't the servants do it, Sebastian, Abner and I don't have to do it if they can do it for us." He asked me, " That's what they are there for." "True," I replied "but believe me you will be glad you did it yourselves also you need to be out of the house with the stuff you need to get ready for a fancy dinner at the Golden Swan, I already made reservations." "But why," he whined, "I hate getting dressed up." "Please just trust me" I said. "Fine, I'll see you later." "Okay later" I threw my phone into the passenger seat "I know I should but I really don't wanna call my parents and let them know whats going on" I said to myself. While turning a corner I heard my parents ring tone go off. 'Shit!' I thought to myself and picked up the phone "Hello, Silas here." "Hey, baby so why are the boys running around with their heads cut off at the house?" My mom asked. "Well umm you can't tell the boys yet its a surprise." I replied nervously. "Okay I wont now what's going on?" "Well ummmm, remember Cicily?" "Of course I do" Mom gushed "Such a sweet child. What about her?" "Well she is moving in with us apparently there is not enough space at her house and I personally suspect something more sinister at work by the way her mom skirted certain topics." I said in a rush. "Wait, so a young single girl with no money and connections is moving in with the four wealthiest heirs? Oh, this won't do I will have to get her adopted by a family of standing do you think her mom would be willing to sign over rights to another family?" Mom planned. "Well, mom I have the paperwork already if she does decide to do that because I don't want whatever makes Cicily unhappy at this home to be able to cause her problems later." I replied. "Okay, dear I'll work on getting her adopted you just make sure she is safe and comfortable in her new house." "Yes, mom." "Bye dear" I again threw my phone in the passenger seat just as the GPS told me I was at her house. 'I hope she doesn't hate me and the boys' was my thought as I opened the car door and walked to her front door. I knocked and the door opened and there stood...


Hey readers,

Enoki here, I completely rewrote this story and I changed the names of the characters the plot is the same but hopefully this version is better than the other. It has not been edited outside of spell check so if you see something that is a mistake please let me know. Also I appreciate criticism but please be nice this is still my first ever posted story. Also if anyone wants to beta I'd appreciate it, I'm working on all my old stories that I just stopped writing before and could use the help.


P.S Cast is to come

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2015 ⏰

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