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macklemcvey love you so much, you're my fave ❤️❤️❤️
_one_direction_ugh_ ily bæ ❤️❤️❤️

Her eyes dart around the room, searching for something. As a profiler, reading people is something I can do in my sleep. But for her, it's like all of her emotions, what she's thinking, are locked behind this imaginary wall that I can't knock down. 

" Reiders. "

" Hmm. "

" You ok? "

" It's such a shame that such a beautiful girl has such an ugly past. "

" Beautiful? " she mutters, completely shocked.

  " Yes, beautiful. " I begin, but the waiter comes over, bringing the two of us our beverages.

" You think I'm pretty. "

Now is your time Spencer, tell her how you feel.

  " Y- yeah, I've liked you ever since you first walked through the doors of the FBI, 7 months ago. Y- your hair was longer, but now you've cut it slightly. Your eyes still have the same sparkle they did the day I met you. Your personality was the first thing that I admired, then it was your l- looks. But that doesn't matter to me, because you're gorgeous no matter what. When Morgan first started making jokes about me liking you, I ignored my feelings. But the more he said it, the more I started to have feelings for you. At first I thought that it was inevitable that you wouldn't go out with me. But the more I learnt about you, the more I realised how alike we actually were. Our love for knowledge and reading, our love for coffee. Every time I look at you, it reminds me of how much I am actually in l- love with you. "

She looks at me in complete in complete awe.

" Spencer, I - "

" No. You don't have to say anything. I understand. "

" Spencer let me - " she continues, but my arrogance gets to the best of me,

" Ember lets just go, I shouldn't have said anything in the first place. " I respond, getting flustered, up from my seat and walking to the counter to pay. I take 3 steps, but then her soft, delicate skin comes in contact with my wrist.

" Spencer, stop. " she orders, now standing. But I still am a lot taller than her.

" What? "

" Look at me. "

" You can't just admit something like that to me, leave and then act like this conversation never happened.  "

" Who could refrain that had a heart to love and in that heart courage to make love known? " she adds,

" William Shakespeare. "

" One of your favourite authors. "

" Did you know that - " I start to say, facts seem to be the only thing that could possibly distract her from our awkward conversation,

" Shut up. " she whispers, lacing her fingers around my neck.

I glance at her lips before she gently places them on mine. Not to sound cliché, but I felt a spark of electricity when her lips touched mine. They move in sink, as if the two of us have kissed many times before. I haven't, but I'm not too sure whether or not she has. I slide my hands and let the sit on her hips as we continue to kiss. My eyes have still remained open, my mind wondering as to whether this is real or not. This is real, Ember is actually kissing me. I allow my eyes to close, I'm at peace. Everything inside my body is moving very quickly. My blood is rushing through my veins and my heart beating so fast that I'm afraid it's going to beat out of my chest. My lungs send an automatic message to my brain that they need oxygen. I pull away, and gasp for air.

" Ember. "

" How about we pay and get head back. "

" Yeah, I was just going to say that. "

My sudden boost of confidence causes me to intertwine my fingers with hers.

" I love you. " I whisper in her ear.

" I love you too. "

Authors Note -
OHMYGOD I CANT BELIVE IM ACTUALLY WRITING THIS!!! I've been wanting to write a Spencer Reid fanfiction for so long. I feel like is chapter is a bit short, but it's just to fill you amazing people in. I'm so happy to have such beautiful followers, you guys are like a Wattpad family. I'm only 14, and this is only my second shot at writing a story, so please don't be mad when I make either grammatical errors, or my writing isn't up to such an amazing standard like other writers. Thanks to my followers who inspire me to continue to write. I have decided that I will be making a trailer for this book, and I will be posting it on YouTube and adding a link for it once it has been completed. LOVE YOU GUYS SOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSO MUCH ❤️❤️❤️

Ily all,


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