A Single Kiss (SonAmy)

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     It all started with Sonic running away from Amy for the 12th time that month. That was irregular and Sonic suspected something. Amy usually only hunted him down at least 6 times a month, 8 at the max. Something didn't feel right to Sonic. '12 times,' he thought in his head, 'Something's different. Maybe she's trying to tell me something urgent.' He was interrupted by a soft tap. He turned around to see Amy the closest to catching him. "No time to slack off on my running," he said. "Wait! Sooonic!!" Amy exclaimed.

     Sonic's POV~ I could hear how exhausted she was. Maybe I should just stop. "Sonic!" she shouted with a faint type of voice. Was she going to faint? Had I pushed her too far? I looked behind to see her on her knees trying to catch her breath. I felt like I just had to go back and help her. I zoomed around and stopped in front of Amy. I knelt down to see her eyes. "You okay?" I asked. Some friend I am. "...Yeah, I'm...fine," she said panting. Man, I didn't mean to hurt her like this. "I'm sorry...for pushing you this far," I said rubbing her back. "It's okay, Sonic." I helped her up. She smiled a little. "Why'd you chase me down like that?" I asked. She didn't say anything. She had lost her gaze in my eyes and looked down at the ground. Suddenly, the unexpected happened. She grabbed my wrists, which made me worry. She moved closer to me making me feel uncomfortable. She then smiled and kissed me in the lips. I was so shocked, I couldn't close my eyes. I couldn't get her out of her grip. This was the weirdest thing that's ever happened to me. After she released the kiss and her grip on my wrists, she didn't say a word. It left an awkward silence. She didn't say anything, and I didn't say anything. This was weird. Well, there's no reason to stay if no one's gonna talk. I ran off in the distance.

     I fell hard in the grass of the park. Everyone looked at me and looked confused. I got up and brushed myself off. What was that, Sonic? Why'd you fall? I rubbed my head. I had a major headache. I needed to go home. I felt a little woozy and fell on my butt after wobbling a little. I passed out.

     Amy's POV~ How'd that make him feel? How would I know? He didn't say a word after the kiss. He just...ran off like he usually does when he feels awkward, upset, or uncomfortable. Should I have done that? How stupid was I? I should've known he wouldn't fall for me...with or without the kiss. I sighed. Sometimes my thoughts made so much sense and I think of the outcome after I've done whatever stupid thing. I walked home alone wondering about Sonic. Where'd he go? Did he just want time to consider? Did he leave Mobius? So many questions...needing answers to them. It started to rain. Great! I had to run home and my legs still hurt from chasing Sonic. I finally got home and went inside.

     Sonic's POV~ I woke up to the sound of beeping. Oh great! I'm in the hospital. I was strapped onto the bed pretty tightly. "Hello?!" I shouted. And then, as if it were the password, the doctor came into my room. "What happened?" I asked annoyed. "You fainted," said the doctor. "Why?" "I haven't figured that out yet." I tried to move around in the bed. "I can't move," I said. "Oh, my apologies." The doctor released me from the bed. I sat up and I was a little dizzy, which hurt my head severely. I sat my head back on the pillow. I held my head wondering what had caused this. There was a little knock on the door. "Looks like you've got a few visitors," said the doctor with a smile. I fake-smiled back at him. I didn't really want any visitors. The doctor opened the door and I saw Tails, Knuckles, and Amy. "Hey, Sonic," said Tails. "Well, what happened here?" asked Knuckles. "I'm not sure to be honest," I said. I looked at Amy and she looked to the side. "You okay, Ames?" I asked concerned. "Oh, yeah. I'm fine," said Amy. I knew she was lying. I ignored it. "Do you remember anything from before you fainted? Maybe something caused it," said Tails. This seemed to peek Amy's interest cuz she looked at me. "I remember one thing...but I can't tell you," I said. Amy smiled. The doctor turned toward me. "You could help us figure out why you fainted," said  the doctor. I thought about it for a while. I shook my head...painfully. The doctor shrugged. "So, are you feeling okay?" asked Tails. "A little," I said. "Can you sit up?" asked Amy. "No, well, I can, but it hurts my head." "Ooh, okay." "All right, I think it's time for Sonic to get some rest," said the doctor. I could go for a nap right about now, but I wanted to talk to Amy...alone. Everyone walked out the door, Amy being last. I reached my arm out to Amy. She looked back at me frowning. I tried to say something, but nothing would come out. "Feel better, Soniku," she said blowing me a kiss. She then left the room. I couldn't tell her now, I'll tell her. Later.

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