Summer Love

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I woke up in an uncomfortable position on Nialls couch, clueless on what I was doing there, but I wasn't worried. I sat up then Niall turned his head and looked at me "Victoria! Finally! I've been waiting for a while!"

"Oh, sorry. How did I get here?" I said quickly back to him. "Well you fell a

sleep on the floor of the pub last night! You crazy girl, so I had to carry you here. Sorry if it wasn't very confortable lad" he said back to me with a chuckilish voice. "Oh that's embarrassing" I answered. "Oh well, I made breakfast, you ready for it?" He asked. "Oh yeah I'm starving!" I stood up quickly, I didn't realize how bad I felt until I stood up- I was so dizzy I fell over- luckily Niall's strong arms were there to catch me, I could feel his biceps strongly cradling me as I landed in his arms. He smiled a beautiful smile. "Be careful lad, don't want to ruin that pretty face of yours" he said. Without hesitation I pushed my head up towards his- kissing his lips. Niall looked at me shocked, "I'm so sorry,! I was just caught up with the moment I guess..." I said hesitantly. Niall continued to look into my eyes, and without saying another word, he leaned in to kiss me this time. This kiss was more exaturated and meaningful then the one I gave him right before. When the kiss was done, he put me back on my feet- me still feeling hungover, and we both smiled our biggest smile at each other. "So how about that breakfast lad?" He said to me still smiling. "Let's eat" I said back to him. As we sat down at the table he looked at me all the sudden with a sad look, "what's wrong love?" I said. "Just having so much fun with you makes me realize you have to leave soon... Summers almost over and you'll have to go home soon, I'll just miss you so much.." He said. I gave him the same sad look. Then I smiled. "Let's not think about that. Lets enjoy it while it lasts, it's not like we don't still have another 4 weeks together! That's plenty of time love" I replied. He smiled back at me "you're right. And even after summer it's not like I'm never going to see you, besides, you always will be my summer love"

I smiled because I knew he was quoting his song, he knows that makes me melt! I smiled cheekily with my eyes shut trying not to make things awkward. I looked into his dreamy blue eyes, when I slowly started leaning over the table to kiss him- and when I was so close, we were inturupted by the doorbell. Great.


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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2013 ⏰

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