Chapter 1

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Wrote this after researching the Mafia for a school project, any stories that are the same or close to the same are pure coincidental, and I'm sure there are, anyways, on with the story!!

I pulled my black leather jacket closer in the hope to feel warmer, though, I never feel warm. Not ever. As I'm about to cross the street to get to my house I hear footsteps, I immediately stop. All the sudden there's a hand on my shoulder turning me around, right before I scream I see the smiling face of my best friend, Riley Mango.

"Rose? Are you okay? Sorry I didn't mean to scare ya! Hey so all the girls and I are having a sleepover tonight, you should totally come!" She exclaims excitedly. "Ry you know I'd love to, but my dad is coming home early tonight...." I trail off looking down at my white leather converse. Riley's face immediately goes from that of a happy one to a very pissed one.

My dad beats me, ever since my mom died. He blames me for her cancer, I don't see the logic, but he gets drunk, comes home, beats me, then leaves to go hook up with whatever whore he can get. What a life for me right? And the worst part is, he owes a lot of money to some group of people, I've never gotten a name, but I know that it's not good.

And of course, Riley knows about this, several times she's come over to my house to find me beaten half to death on the floor. "Someday I'm gonna kill him." She tells me in a low menacing voice. I just shrug and turn so I can get home and clean the house for my dad.

Calling over my shoulder I tell Riley that I'll call her later, though we both know it's probably a lie, and she'll probably come running over to my house the minute my father drives away. It's easy since she lives right across the street.

As soon as I get in the house I run to my room to put away my backpack. I quickly clean the kitchen, the living room, the dining room, my fathers room, every hallway, and every other room in the house. Finally I'm finished and I have two hours to spare, for my father 'early' means he'll get home around nine.

It being November here in Texas, it's beginning to get dark, but I don't mind. Actually I do hate the dark, but taking a walk before my father gets home always helps to calm me down.

I quickly open the door and lock it, then start heading down the street. Just as I'm about to turn the corner onto another street, I hear leaves crunching behind me. Whipping around I look every which way, I start telling myself it's just paranoia, but when I hear it again coming from the area right next to me, I don't think.... I just Run.

I got about halfway down the street before I felt an arm wrap around my waist and a hand cover my mouth. On instinct I kick and punch trying to get free, when all of the sudden as I take a deep breath, I smell it. Chloroform. Knowing that this wasn't going to be a fight I could win, I stopped fighting. I felt the tears stream down my face, but I didn't care. I shut my eyes to make the tears stream faster, which they did.

The edge of my vision begins to blur, and I know that I'm about to pass out, So I just.... Let go. The last thing I see is my attacker cradling my head as I go limp in their arms......


Pain. That's something I'm accustomed to. So when I wake up and that's all that I feel, nothing seems out of the ordinary. Except the fact that my hand is handcuffed to something. Blinking my eyes open I look down and see what I new was there, I could feel the metal of it. The handcuff was around my right wrist, and it was attached to a handle on a car door, looking out the window I see wide open space.

Finally I get the nerve to turn my head to the left, to see my attacker. What I see makes me do a double take. He's very very very handsome, with his dark brown hair and slight stubble, with the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen in my life. He wears I simple blue shirt with a grey trench coat and jeans. Compared to me he looks like a god.

I look in the side mirror and see what I knew was there, my eyes were slightly red from crying, my dark brown wavy hair was pulled into a messy side ponytail, and somehow my leather jacket was taken off, looking down I see it on the floor in front of me, I wear my favorite blue sweater with the gold spikes on the shoulders, and simple blue jeans with my favorite dangly earrings.

"Your up." My head whips to him, hearing his perfect voice for the first time. "I almost thought I had put too much chloroform in the rag. But obviously not." He chuckled at the end. "What's so funny about that? You could of killed me." I say quietly. His eyes dart over to me than back to the road, "Nah, I knew you'd be fine."

After a few silent minutes I couldn't take it anymore, "What do you want from me." I feel the tears start to run down my face. He looks over at me and pulls the car to the side of the road and stops.

Turning to me he looks me in the eyes. "I'm not gonna hurt you, Bella." I can now here his slight Italian accent, especially when he said Bella. "My names not Bella." The tears are coming down faster now. He smirks, "what's your full name?" He says simply.

"My name is Rosebella, but call me Rose. No one, and I mean no one, calls me Bella except for my mom." As I say this more tears stream down my face. It's my fault she was dead, if she hadn't given birth to me she never would have gotten cancer, without me she would still be living happily and my father wouldn't be so miserable. All of this was my fault...

My free hand grabs the small gem at the base of my neck right between my collar bones. My mother had given me this stone, she gave it to me when I was 12 a few months before she died. She told me to never take it off and I haven't ever since. She and everyone told me it wasn't my fault, but it was. It all was.

He nods and looks at the hand I have clasped around my necklace, as if trying to figure something out, suddenly his eyes fill with realization. "Where's your mother?" He asks hesitantly.

I look up into his eyes, then shut mine. "She's dead, she died from cancer. All that's left of my family is my stupid father and I." His eyes fill with confusion. "Why is your father stupid."

Suddenly I remember what would have happened had this guy not kidnapped me. I would have been beaten senseless then left to help myself then clean up the mess. I laughed coldly, "you did me a favor taking me. Honestly, with what was gonna happen I should thank you for getting me away from him." I replied icily.

He looks at me and nods, "your father beat you." It was a statement, not a question but I nodded anyway. "Don't worry Bella, you don't have to worry about him anymore." He said getting back on the road.

With that I let myself be swallowed by the sleep that had been clawing at me since I woke. And I fell into a silent sleep........

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2015 ⏰

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