Chapter 3 - Party

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*Scott's POV*

I sat in second period English, tapping my pen against my notebook loudly. The class was silent, except for a few coughs here and there.
"Scott," Cassie hissed from beside me. I gave my attention to the blonde at my right and waited for her to speak.
"You remember that get together at my place that I was talking about yesterday?" I searched through my mind, the memory briefly filling my thoughts before I nodded slowly.
"Well," she said. "You up for it? It's just going to be me, you and a few others. Nothing too big." I contemplated the offer, weighing up the pros and cons in my mind.
"Is there going to be alcohol?" I asked, smirking.
"Of course Scotty, there always is isn't there?" I rolled my eyes at the nickname and nodded my head. I doubted this 'get together' was going to be small, especially with alcohol involved.
"I'll be there."

"Mr Hoying and Miss Stewart, if you don't stop talking and disturbing the class, there'll be a lunch time detention for both of you." I laughed out loud, gaining the attention of the entire class.
"As long as we're alone Sir, that's all that matters." I said, raising my eyebrows up and down suggestively. The class erupted in a fit of giggles, amused by the sexual innuendo I had just made.
"Back to work everyone."


The bell rang, alerting the school that it was time for lunch. I made my way to the cafeteria, before remembering I had another detention today. I changed direction, heading towards the familiar room and stepping inside. I was surprised to the brunette loser from yesterday, sitting in the same spot at the front of the room. He turned around in his seat out of curiosity, and immediately turned back to face the front of the room, rolling his eyes as he did so.
"Now now," I laughed softly, opting for a seat in the row second from the back.

A different teacher from the previous day sat at the desk at the front of the room, eyeing me as I sat down.
"Ah, Miss Duncan, what a pleasure to see you again." I winked and pulled my phone from my pocket. She just shook her head and returned to typing rapidly on her laptop that sat on the desk in front of her.

*Mitch's POV*

"Psst!" A voice from behind me whispered. I turned around, only to be met with a crumpled up piece of paper colliding with my forehead. I frowned dirtily at Scott, furrowing my eyebrows together and huffing quietly. I opened up the piece of paper, because knowing Scott it most likely had something written on it. What's your name? I simply can't keep referring to you as nerd, dork, loser etc. There was a winking face drawn next to the words. I discreetly took out a pen and neatly wrote 'Mitch' underneath Scott's messing handwriting.

I balled up the paper and threw it back at Scott who caught it with one hand. I watched him unfold the paper, smoothing it out on his desk. Once he finished reading, he looked up at me, smirking a little when he noticed I was watching him. Scott took out his pen and wrote a reply before throwing it back to me. I think I'll just stick to nerd. I looked back at Scott after reading his response and shook my head.


Second lunch eventually came around. I grabbed my tray and headed to a table where my friend Kirstie was already sitting. She was a senior, but we were really close. We met each other in choir last year and have been best friends ever since.
"Hey Kirst," I said as I sat down in the chair opposite her.
"Mitch! I'm glad you're here because I have a question for you." I gestured for her to go on. "Are you busy this Friday night?" I thought about it for a second, before nodding and sighing loudly. "Kinda; I have to look after Faye, remember? "Kirstie looked a little disheartened, but her face brightened when she got an idea.
"Can you get a sitter? Cassie Stewart is having a party and she said I could bring someone if I wanted."
"I don't know Kirst, I don't really trust anyone to look after to her, even if it is just for one night." I shifted my eyes to the table, avoiding eye contact with Kirstie.
"What about Miss Goulding? I'm sure she'd be more than happy to look after Faye. C'mon Mitch, you haven't had a night without your little sister for so long, you need a break!" I took a deep breath and contemplated the offer. Kirstie was right, I did need a break.
"Fine fine, I'll go! But I'm not staying long." Kirstie smiled widely, happy that I had agreed. "Awesome, I'll let you know the details closer to Friday."

*Scott' POV*

So his name is Mitch. I guess it has a nice ring to it, and it suits him perfectly. I'm surprised I haven't seen him around before; he has such a unique look that would be hard to miss. I'm kind of glad I know his name now, but it's fun calling him loser or dork or nerd.

Mitch brings out a nicer side in me somehow; I think it's the fact that he isn't really scared of me anymore, even though we've only known each other for less than 2 days. Well, I'm sure he knew me before then, but you get the idea.

"Babe, what's on your mind?" Cassie reached out and took my hand from her side of the lunch table. I shifted my eyes to meet hers, smiling softly at the girl in front of me. I covered up the fact that it had been a boy occupying my thoughts, and not something like skateboarding or football. I needed to get him out of my head permanently; no one could find out that a boy, let alone a junior intrigued me.
"Nothing Cass, just thinking about your party on Friday, I'm excited. We might finally get some time alone." I lied and grinned suggestively at her. I found myself wishing that Mitch would be there, just so I could tease him but there was no way Cassie would allow him to come. He was a junior anyway, and I doubted than anyone would invite him as their plus one. Cassie once again pulled me from my thoughts by replying to my previous statement.
"Yeah, me too babe."

*Mitch's POV*

I pulled up in the parking lot next to the front gate of the elementary school, smiling at Miss Goulding standing beside my little sister as I parked and made my way over to the pair.
"Hey cutie, how was your day?" I smiled at the little girl before turning my attention to the teacher standing before me.
"Hey Miss Goulding, I hope she's been behaving for you lately! She's a cheeky little one," I laughed along with my statement.
"She's been an absolute joy Mitch, and how many times have I told you, call me Laura!"
"Faye, sweetie go play for a little bit, I need to talk to Miss Goulding for minute." The brunette agreed and made her way to the playground, going straight to the monkey bars.
"So a quick question, I know you are Faye's teacher, but I need a favour." Laura nodded, gesturing for me to continue. "On Friday night, there is a little get together at a friend's place and I need someone to watch Faye for the evening. I know I shouldn't be ditching my little sister for some party but I haven't had a night off in so long and I just need a break; and you're one of the only people that I can really trust to do a good job." I looked hopefully at the educator.
"Of course Mitch! I know you give up a lot of things to take care of Faye, and you definitely deserve a night off. I'll just give you my number and you can let me know when a good time is." I grinned and waved Faye over from the playground, exchanging numbers with Laura while we waited.
"Thank you so much Laura, I really appreciate it. C'mon little one," I spoke to Faye. "Let's get going."

I helped Faye with her backpack as she hopped in the car. I jogged around to the driver's side and got in, looking to my little sister every so often.
"So Faye," I said addressing her. "On Friday night, I'm going to a friend's place for dinner, and I was wondering if it was okay if you stayed with Miss Goulding for the night." The little girl nodded enthusiastically, a wide grin plastered across her face. Laura was a great influence on Faye, and I was glad that she trusted the teacher enough to allow her to look after her for one night.

A/N Hi! Thank you to everyone who is still reading! I promise it will get better and more interesting soon so stay tuned. I hope you enjoyed todays chapter! :)

- Abby xx

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