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This was no normal plague. They called it mortuum disease. Meaning dead in Latin. So Dead disease. Though, its not dead, it makes people die or become dead. Let me give you the story behind it. Once one person was infected, it all went down hill from there.

They found as each person died, they'd rot and did in fact come back to life in a zombie like form. This was not exactly contagious. It was spread from contact with DNA. There was also a 50/50 chance of getting it by contact with these so called "zombies".

Most of everything after this infection was closed down. Maybe a few stores here and there. All ports were closed and the government has fallen. It is now all men for themselves. We are talking about a neighborhood, a town, a state, a country, a continent, a nation, a world that trusts no one. Everyone probably relies on their parents or someone who cares for them. Me? Yeah, heh I'm kinda alone.

I mean I have parents, had a sibling... Well my parents just disappeared. I know they're alive, it's the biggest feeling in the world, despite the fact that I haven't seen them in years... Before the plague they were just normal parents, after it spread like a wildfire all they did was slay "zombies".

Yes they became zombie slayers. Sounds cliché but listen. They taught me tons useful things. Like, how to tell when there are "zombies" around. Or how to use blades. All kinds, you don't know how powerful a butter knife is untill you actually use one to kill something. Daggers were always my favorite though. But, they didn't just teach me how to use blades, also guns. Rifles, were big and even though you had to fill 'em every so often they were always a good choice. They gave you a perfect shot, once practiced enough.

It was all so useless at first. I never really thought I'd be using all this information. The schools were still open but my parents believed that I should be home schooled for more skill and lessons on this. Not too long afterwards the schools were shut down. Not many families did what we did, but I'm sure there were a few.

Anyway, so since we are going to spend almost forever together (well at least until I'm dead) I should tell you about myself.

My name is Andela Engle. I am 19 years old. I have curly dirty blonde hair. I'm average height, and pretty strong for a girl. I don't really have a family, like I said my parents disappeared. Maybe I have some cousins left but I wouldn't get my hopes up. For anything. I'm not very capable of contacting them, but that's OK since I don't really know them.

I live in... Well it was the United States of America like a year ago. But the government lost all control so yeah, that's pretty much it. I'm kinda stuck being alone. And it sucks. I have no doubt I will go crazy. I already have once. I started talking to myself a few times. It's scary. All that I just told you, was also a little recap for me too. But I'm not saying I was sane. No one in this town was ever sane.

And boy am I grateful. I could have died if I was. I'm pretty much far from normal. I mean I act normal but in my mind I'm going insane. Confusing? Yes. How confusing? Well that depends on what you're thoughts are on me. So how am I like this, you may ask? Well it all started with this plague. My parents didn't let me go anywhere for anything.

The only access I had to the outside world was my TV and the window. Our Internet got shut down a few weeks after. When my parents disappeared, I was lucky I had food for 3 months. But when you go insane you also loose your appetite. So I'm not a big eater.

But after that I'd either starve or be completely cautious when I'd go to the grocery store, or what's left of it (which isn't barely anything). I'd go there at least once a month. With what money? Before the government fell, they tuned the prices way down. Way way down, because not a lot of people really had money, and lots of people were fired from their jobs. But luckily they had work online at home. Too bad I don't have internet. But another thing on how I know my parents are alive, they still get paid.

And I think they know I'm alive since they left and I found a credit card and the number, and I use that to buy food. I was never really sure where they worked, but I just let it go. Actually, you don't even have to pay anymore. Run there, get what you need, hope an pray you don't die, come back to wherever you are and boom, food.

That's all I have to say. Don't be sad. That was only the very

End of prologue

Thanks for checking out my new story! I will be starting it as soon as my other book Undercover Or Undiscovered? Is over. I was just so eager to put it out! So tell me what you think and thank you all you beautiful people! Coming soon Slaying Mortuum


PS thanks again Changing_Gears!

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