Category: Letters
To whom it may concern,
I don't want to ask how are you doing, for I'm pretty sure you are fine. I saw you earlier, we attended the same activity, and even though I didn't approach you and act like I don't know you anymore. I know you are fine, even though you are tired from doing your daily activity, even though you feel sad from your life situation right now, I know you are fine. From years of knowing you, You never failed to show your great fighting spirit that no matter what comes along your way, you'll remain as you are,that even though you fall 7 times you'll stand up 8. That's how I know you and that's why I admire you as a person.Yes, you read it right I admire you and will keep on admiring you.
You were once my special someone and my heart has always a special place for you. You once let me believe that magic happens, that you can feel something beautiful without any reason, you'll just feel it. You also once let me believe that I deserve to love and to be loved which I think the most wonderful thing that I've ever experienced. You were my first love, the one I secretly prayed for to be my last but complications came and made us choose to end our game.
It's sad, how the universe brings us closer and actually let us feel the things that we longed for so long only to take it back, especially on the time when we are the happiest. It makes us feel like we are in a roller coaster that will lift us up and in just a short while it will bring us down. Like a thief, that will snatched away your valuable in times you don't expect it. And just like that, I lost you.
Looking at you from a far now. I can say you are happy. That's the only thing I want, to see you happy. But then I can't help myself but think about if things just went well between the two of us and we are still together? Are you gonna be that happy? But then I always remind myself that everything happens for a reason. Not ending up up together is not really the end of it all. I always just keep in mind that the universe is just trying to teach me something and I have to learn that. I think it's true that we meet people on purpose and It's just now that I realized that you've already served your purpose on mine.