Chapter 2 : Training

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Harry's pov


I walk into the bakery hearing a bunch of yelling.I figured Joe was talking to someone about training Rebecca.I walk in the kitchen and see Hunter, a fellow stubborn employee, and Joe fighting."I ain't gonna train her.I barely have enough time to keep a job!"he shouted."But someone needs to train her and everyone else isn't as experienced as you,"Joe said.Hunter was the most experienced one in the bakery.But I heard a customer come in and knew that this fighting had to stop.I jumped between Hunter and Joe."I'll train her,"I said."Well okay,Harry she should be hear anytime soon,"Joe said.Then they both walked off.I gave a sigh of relief and walked out of the kitchen."Hey Joan,"I said greeting the elderly lady in front of me."Hello Harold,I came for the usual,"she said.The usual was twenty cupcakes."Okay,"I said.I grabbed a pan of cupcakes and started putting them in boxes."So Joe told me about a new employee coming here.Is that true?"she asked."Yes it is,"I said."Well I hope she's nice,"she said."Oh she is.I met her yesterday.She's the daughter of Angela,"I replied.We both walked out to her car and I put the boxes in the backseat.She turned around and pinched my cheeks saying I was cute before leaving.I started to blush when Rebecca saw us."She your grandma?"she asked confused."No,she's just a customer,"I said."Okay,whatever,"she replied.We both walked inside."So Rebecca,I'll be training you,"I said."Oh wow,does that mean I'm gonna have to spend a lot of time with you,"she asked."Well yeah kinda,why?"I asked awkwardly."Well you see,my mother,Angela,she doesn't like my boyfriend and she was hoping I would date you because your really nice and she approves of you more than him,"she explained."Well Angela is like a best friend to me I know its kinda awkward.But she is actually the one who kinda got you this job,"I say.I could tell she was kinda sad by her mum not approving of her boyfriend."Don't worry about your mum and boyfriend not getting along.They will still love you no matter what,"I told her."Thanks Harry.My mum was right about you.You are a nice guy,"she said with a smile on her face.I started to blush.We got up and headed to the kitchen.I had to teach Rebecca how to make cupcakes.

Later on,I looked at the clock on the stove.It was eight and almost time to close.Joe came into the kitchen where me and Rebecca were."Hey Harry,close up shop when your done,"he said tossing me the keys.I took em and put them in my pocket.Once I heard the door close I turned to Rebecca with a pie in my hand.She looked at me and I shoved it in her face."Harry you jerk!!"she yelled.She grabbed a bag of flour and dumped it on me."And you say I'm a jerk!!"I shouted.Then we had an all out food war.

After our food war we looked a mess.We cleaned up the mess we made and had to make all the stuff that we threw at each other.After a few hours it was eleven o'clock."OMG! I look like a disaster!" Rebecca shouted."Don't worry I have some clothes you can wear at my flat,"I said.I drove her to my flat and let her come inside."Whoa this place is huge,"she said surprised."Yeah it gets lonely here too,"I replied.I handed her a 'Jack Wills' goodies and some sweat pants."Keep em,"I said."Thanks,"she told me walking to the bathroom.When she was done changing I washed her clothes for her.Somebody soon texted her and she looked at her phone."Listen,I have to go my boyfriend's home,"she said."Okay,let me drive you home,"I said grabbing my keys off the table.We walked outside and got in the car.The car ride was really awkward."You can drop me off right here,"she said."In the middle of nowhere?"I asked."Well I don't want my boyfriend to think I'm cheating on him,"she said."Whatever,"I said.Once she got out of the car she started walking on the sidewalk.I liked her a lot.I didn't want her to leave.

a/n Hey guys please vote and comment.Questions of the day: What would you do if your mother didn't approve of your boyfriend.Who would you choose your boyfriend or your mother?And what if you had a food fight with Harry Styles.Would you enjoy it or get mad?

Goodbye my little turtles miss you!

-Izzy. -xx

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